UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta has started its offline learning session (PTM) on Monday (6/9/2021) with three faculties: Faculty of Law (FH), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), and Faculty of Medical Science (FK) in the first day. The PTM in UNS is implemented under conditional and gradual principles.

The conditional principle rules that UNS needs to receive a permit from the Surakarta Government, students have a permit from their parents, have no comorbidities, and are vaccinated against Covid-19 at least for the first dose. The gradual principle rules that the classroom can only be used for 30% of its full capacity, which UNS implemented by only allowing 15-25 first-semester students to participate in the PTM.

The Rector of UNS, Prof. Jamal Wiwoho, stated that the 30% quota is set for PPKM level 3 that is still effective in Surakarta. Therefore, if the level decreases, there is an opportunity that UNS will increase the quota for PTM. “From level 4 to 3 means to open (PTM), from level 3 to 2 increases from 30% to 40%, and from level 2 to 1 means (we) will add (the percentage) again,” Prof. Jamal stated in the Lunch Talk Berita Satu TV, Sunday (26/9/2021).

The Chairman of the Council of Rector of Indonesian State University (CRISU) also mentioned that the PTM was opened for students live in Surakarta during the PPKM level 3 in the city. If, after close consideration on the closest regions condition proves favorable and Surakarta PPKM level decreases, the university will allow students from Central Java to participate in the PTM. “We try from Solo, then Central Java. If Central Java is possible, Insyaallah, we open for all Indonesian provinces,” Prof. Jamal Wiwoho added.

UNS PTM Praised by Epidemiologist from Griffith University, Australia

Rector of UNS: PPKM Level Decreases, Quota for PTM will be Increased

Dicky Budiman, MD, M.Sc.PH, an epidemiologist from Griffith University, Australia, appreciated UNS efforts to open PTM under conditional and gradual principles. In the Lunch Talk Berita Satu TV, Dicky Budiman, MD, M.Sc.PH, mentioned that mobility in the university is not the same with kindergarten to high school because university students come from many regions and have a large number of teachers, academic staff, and administrative staff. Therefore, university leaders need to prepare rules to prevent the spread of Covid-19 on the campus are, similar to what UNS applied.

He specifically praised UNS action to only allow students in Solo to participate in the PTM and has an internal Covid-19 task force. He also stated that he is delighted with UNS actions and mentioned that it is appropriate that UNS become a model for PTM program.

“Prof. Jamal has explained that the participants are the first year. This is important because they are entering the university years, and the limited capacity, which makes them need to be prioritized,” Dicky Budiman, MD, M.Sc.PH., said. Humas UNS

Reporter: Yefta Christopherus AS
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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