UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta officially inaugurated four new professors. The inauguration took place at the UNS Open Academic Senate Session, Tuesday (23/5/2023). The professor’s inauguration ceremony took place at the Auditorium G.P.H. Haryo Mataram UNS and was broadcast live on Universitas Sebelas Maret Youtube.

The four professors who were inaugurated were Prof. Agung Nur Probohudono, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., Ak., CA, CFrA., Prof. Dr. Sri Widoretno, M.Si., Prof. Dr. Ir. Eka Handayanta, M.P., IPU., ASEAN Eng., and Prof. Dr. Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum Indrawati, M.Pd.

The Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum. said that the inauguration of the UNS Professor was a luscious gift for UNS.

 “The addition of several professors has clearly strengthened UNS’ new optimism to pursue the target of 10% of the number of professors. Moreover, UNS has many lecturers with the position of Head Lector, who at least have great potential to increase the number of professors,” Prof. Jamal said.

Currently the world is facing the threat of various crises on a global scale, including energy, food, economics, and even the threat of global warming. So this condition requires the participation of academics, including professors to contribute through their research strengths. The scientific synergy and collaboration of professors are expected to provide broader benefits for the nation.

“I advised that the professors who were inaugurated today be able to continue to work productively through various quality research studies. The hope is that the study and research can provide strategic solutions to solving community problems as well as increase the UNS index at the international level. It is hoped that the existence of professors can continue to have a positive correlation with progress, authority/dignity and determinants of the quality of higher education institutions that are built,” Prof. Jamal added.

Furthermore, Prof. Jamal also hoped that UNS professors would not become relaxed and sluggish after getting the position of professor. “However, be a productive professor guiding students and junior lecturers, writing books, researching, producing reputable scientific works, and producing quality innovations and technologies that are useful and elevate the dignity of himself, the university and the Indonesian people,” Prof. Jamal hoped.

The four new UNS professors were confirmed for their contributions in various fields of science. Prof. Agung Nur Probohudono, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., Ak., CA, CFrA. He is the 20th professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the 260th UNS. He was appointed as professor in the field of management accounting at FEB UNS with an inaugural speech entitled “Praktik Pengungkapan Akuntansi Dan Komunikasi Bisnis Berbasis Kemanusiaan “ (Practice of Human-Based Accounting Disclosure and Business Communication).

Prof. Dr. Sri Widoretno, M.Sc. She is the 66th Professor of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty (FKIP) UNS and the 261st UNS. She was appointed as a professor in the field of biology education with an inaugural speech entitled “Pertanyaaan Guru Dalam Membangun Peta Konsep Sebagai Indikator Berpikir Tinggi “ (Teacher’s Questions in Building Concept Maps as Higher Thinking Indicators).

Prof. Dr. Ir. Eka Handayanta, M.P., IPU., ASEAN Eng. He is the 39th Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) and the 262nd UNS. He was appointed professor in the field of ruminant animal nutrition with an inaugural speech entitled “Peran Ternak Ruminansia dalam Mendukung Terciptanya Sistem Pertanian Terpadu Berkelanjutan “ (The Role of Ruminant Livestock in Supporting the Creation of a Sustainable Integrated Agriculture System).

Prof. Dr. Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum Indrawati, M.Pd. She is the 67th Professor of FKIP and the 263rd UNS. She was appointed as a professor in the field of archival education with an inaugural speech entitled “Pengembangan Keterampilan Inovasi Kearsipan Pada Era Literasi Abad XXI” (Development of Archival Innovation Skills in the XXI Century Literacy Era). Humas UNS

Reporter: Lina Khoirun Nisa

Redaktur: Dwi Hastuti

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