UNS – Students at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta had made another proud achievement on the international stage. He is Khoirudin Mustakim, a student of the Sports Coaching Education Study Program, Faculty of Sports (FKOR) UNS.

This student, familiarly called Mustakim, won a gold medal in the Men’s Martial Arts Competition – Class A for Dines Dasiq Dumaan from the Philippines.

Even though Mustakim faced fierce resistance in the first round, Mustakim managed to win 9-7 over his opponent. In the second round, Dumaan equalized at 15-15 before Mustakim returned to the lead with a score of 21-19.

Luckily, this athlete from Central Java was able to get a lot of points with his kicks in the third round, so he was able to seal his victory with a score of 43-25.

Mustakim, who previously won a silver medal at the 31st Sea Games, said he was grateful for winning the gold medal at the 32nd Sea Games.

The Dean of FKOR UNS, Dr. Sapta Kunta Purnama really appreciates Mustakim’s achievement at this prestigious event.

“Essentially, we are proud of the medal contribution. Mustakim is a diligent, earnest and highly disciplined person. There are many competitors in the class, but with perseverance in practice we are finally able to bring home gold. Then I am very proud because Mustakim is also very devout in worship,” Dr. Sapta Kunta said.

Dr. Sapta Kunta hopes that Mustakim’s achievements can be emulated by other students, not only from FKOR but also by UNS students. Humas UNS

Reporter: Lina Khoirun Nisa

Redaktur: Dwi Hastuti

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