UNS — The Student Creativity Program-Scientific Article (PKM-AI) Team Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta won PKM Incentive from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) 2021. The members of this team are Fanesia Debi, Maulana Danar Maaliki, and Aldi Dwi Saputra from the Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI).

Under the supervision of Dr. Kundharu Saddhono, M. Hum., as the Faculty Member of PBSI FKIP UNS, Aldi and team prepared a PKM-AI proposal titled “Friday Preacher in Javanese Language as an Effort to Maintain Indigenous Language: Socio-linguistics Study in Surakarta”. Aldi explained that the title is selected based on their willingness to study Friday Preach from the socio-linguistic aspect to sharpened the socio-cultural studies of a community and its speakers.

“We selected the theme because we want to study Friday Preach, which is a religious agenda with formal and even sacred background. However, the sacredness of this event is affected by the khatib as the speaker and their community socio-cultural condition. This is why Friday Preach is interesting to be studied from the socio-linguistic aspect because it will sharpen the community socio-cultural study and its speakers. Secondly, it is clearly affected by the context of the speech, including speech components,” Aldi explained.

The outcome of their project is the research finding published in Sinta indexed national journal. Aldi explained that their finding is expected to have three benefits. First, to propose an in-depth and comprehensive theory on Friday Preach in the Javanese Language based on the current and real data. Second, to develop socio-linguistic theories such as anthropo-linguistic, religious sociology, and cultural sociology. Third, contributing to preserving the Javanese language as local wisdom in Surakarta.

In the future, Aldi and team hoped that more PKM-AI UNS team could win PKM Kemendikbudristek incentive. “If this year there are 13 teams from UNS who win the PKM-AI, we hope next year it could be more than 20 teams PKM-AI who win PKM Kemendikbudristek incentive,” Aldi concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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