UNS — Exhilarating comes from the Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta Vocational School (SV), with the victory of its student in the creative poster championship. Muhammad Reihan Ascha Pratama, a student of Marketing Management Diploma Program, won third place in a Poster Competition hosted by Animal Husbandry Research and Development Unit (UP3), Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Jendral Soedirman (Unsoed). The competition is part of the UP3 Unsoed Anniversary celebration. Reihan states, during the interview, that his poster theme is ‘Collaborative Movement for Merdeka Belajar Program Implementation.’

“In the poster, I quoted the speech of the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) that contain the four endeavors of national education improvement,” Reihan states on Monday (9/8/2021). He further reveals that he is happy when knowing that he won third place in the competition.

The competing posters are displayed through Instagram, which allows Reihan to look at his competitors’ creations. “The competition was held virtually with more than 30 competing participants. The posters are uploaded to Instagram. When I look at my competitors’ posters, many designs are better than mine,” he reveals.

This poster championship is his first virtual competition. For him, the third-place he got is an outstanding achievement for his first experience in the virtual championship. Reihan admits that he is interested in literature, painting, and public speaking, and he wants to hone his skills in the field. He was also actively participating in numerous competitions since high school (SMA). “During this ongoing pandemic, I try to develop my interest through virtual competitions. I also challenge myself to join competitions each month. It does not matter if I win or not. All this achievement certificate can help me in the event of UNS outstanding students selection,” he explains.

Even if there is no offline competition, it should not become an obstacle for students to achieve more accomplishments. Instead, virtual championship facilitates students to creates new initiatives while staying home. Reihan hopes that his fellow students will not consider this pandemic as an obstacle.

“While there is room for expression and work, we as a student must seize the opportunities and should not only focused on regular virtual classes and assignment. Keep improving. If we can win a competition, then it will be an achievement not only for us but also promoting the university or institution,” he concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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