UNS — The Indonesian government is currently wary of the overseas transmission of the Covid-19 Mu variant. This vigilance emerged after the Mu variant spread in 49 countries.
Since first discovered in Colombia, the Mu variant under the medical name B 1.621 is determined as one of the variants of concern by the World Health Organization (WHO). As recorded until Tuesday (21/9/2021), the Mu variant of Covid-19 had been found in Finland, South Korea, Ecuador, and Japan.

Considering the probable transmission of the Mu variant in Indonesia, two lecturers of the Faculty of Medical Science (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto and dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih suggested several points to the public to prepare for this new Covid-19 variants.

Firstly, the community should continue to comply with the Health Protocol (Prokes). This was mentioned by dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto states that whether or not there is a new variant of Covid-19, the community must continue to carry out the health protocol.
Further, the Spokesperson of the UNS Hospital Covid-19 Task Force, dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto said that the public must still receive the Covid-19 vaccine, even though the vaccine effectiveness against the new variant of Covid-19 will decrease.

“We think the focus is not to look for which one is Mu. Thus, take it easy and always comply with the health protocol. Of course, the national vaccination program must continue. Even if there is no vaccine, health protocol must always be implemented, and together with the health protocol implementation, there must be a vaccination program. Therefore, the two will run well,” said dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto in the Special Program Dialogue for Kentongan RRI Surakarta, Tuesday (21/9/2021).

dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto explained that when a new variant of the Covid-19 mutation appears, logically, the vaccine’s effectiveness will decrease. This is because the available Covid-19 vaccines were produced before the new Covid-19 variant appeared.

However, he reminds the public not to underestimate the benefits of the Covid-19 vaccine because the level of ‘severity’ and death caused by the new variant of Covid-19 toward a vaccinated person will not be higher than those who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19.

“For example, although there is a Delta variant in the UK, the mortality rate is higher for those who have not been vaccinated. The most recent cases in Singapore, which just been exposed to the Delta variant, show the difference between people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 and those who have not been vaccinated,” explained dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto.

On the same occasion, another FK UNS lecturer, dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih added that mutation is a necessity for viruses to survive.
In the case of Covid-19 transmission, dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih explained that this disease has general symptoms. In a sense, people who have contracted Covid-19 will experience coughing, shortness of breath, runny nose, and fatigue.

However, specifically for the Mu variant of Covid-19, she warned that this new mutation would cause more specific symptoms. Such as a more dominant cough, high fever, and anosmia.

“For Mu’s (variant) symptoms, it is almost the same. However, there are three additional symptoms that are more often appeared with this Mu infection. Medical treatment is not significantly different from the other Covid-19 variants, and prevention measures are also the same. The most important matter is health protocol implementation and maintaining cleanliness,” explained dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih.

To anticipate the transmission of the Mu variant to Indonesia, dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih advocates that the government is restricting access to enter or leaving Indonesia.

The government must extend quarantine requirements to either foreign nationals or Indonesian citizens who enter the country. The objective is to detect the Covid-19 Mu variant.
dr. Hendrastutik states that she does not wish for another spike in Covid-19 transmission cases like June-July when the Delta variant spread rampantly in Indonesia.

“The hope is to restrict transmission from outside (red: the country). For instance, in the case of the new variant is entering Indonesia from an overseas country, the quarantine period must be carried out in a more logical and longer period. The quarantine period must be extended, considering the case of Delta variant transmission Indonesia because the quarantine period is not sufficient to detect the infection,” said dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih.

Body’s Immunity Level Against Viruses

dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto also answered questions from the audience of Special Program Dialogue for Kentongan RRI Surakarta about body immunity.

He said the human body has two immune systems. First is the innate immune system that is acquired from birth, and the immune system develops from the stimulation of an antigen.

The two immune systems, assessed by dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto are equally important. Because with the two immune systems, it becomes easier for the body to recognize the incoming virus.

Therefore, he considered it inappropriate if there were people who refused to be vaccinated against Covid-19 because they felt that they already had antibodies.

“People always get it wrong. How come we need the vaccine if we have antibodies already? Innate immunity is like frontline soldiers. We got them from birth. But antibodies only present when your body meets a foreign object, whether a virus or a bacteria. Later, when the X virus enters, our antibodies recognize it, destroy it immediately,” he said.

Furthermore, regarding the variety of new variants of Covid-19, he revealed that the more mutations a virus carries, the lower its level of malignancy.

However, he advised the public not to be careless. Because, although the level of malignancy of the new Covid-19 variant is reduced considerably, the potential of transmission is still there.

dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto does not want the June-July hospital queue spike due to the Delta variant of Covid-19 recurring.

“In a natural theoretical concept, when the virus spreads faster, it will usually be followed with a decrease in the level of malignancy. In fact, the Delta variant has a high infectious speed. In some countries, the death rate of the Delta variant is actually lower. The problem is when there are many people got infected, the hospital will not be able to accommodate the patients,” he concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Yeftha Christopherus AS
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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