UNS — Exciting news came from the Vocational School (SV) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, who won Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (P2MD) funding for three proposals. In the announcement released through kemahasiswaanptvp.kemdikbud.go.id website on Friday (2/7/2021), these three proposals are from Diploma Program (D-3) in Tourism Business (UPW), D-3 Agribusiness, D-3 Pharmacy.

The program proposed by D-3 UPW “Avicenna Randugede” Team titled “Randugede Village Potential Management to Achieve Sustainable Rural Tourism based on the Community, Recreation, Adventure, and Education” won IDR 28 million funding. D-3 Agribusiness submitted a proposal titled “Populace Economic Empowerment through Agrilawu Center as an Incubation Center for Segorogunung Village Local Products to Achieve Village Sustainable Development Goals” through Gamagrita SV UNS Team and won IDR 28.5 million funding. Lastly, the D-3 Pharmacy, through its team “P2MD Himafarma UNS”, submitted a proposal titled “Optimization of Natural Ingredients and Village Infrastructure Improvement to Prevent Covid-19 in Sawahan Village Empowerment Boyolali District” that won IDR 29 million funding.

The team leader of each program explained their background, objectives, and proposal preparation process to uns.ac.id. The team leader from D-3 UPW, Milenia Hanny, stated that her team proposal aims to help developing local village potential, especially for MSMEs entrepreneurs, to be ready and participate in the government program to build sustainable rural tourism. She also explained that her team received support from the supervisor and Vice-Dean of SV UNS. “The title was taken from the PBL program in the fourth semester that aims to develop Randugede Village human resources,” Milenia Hanny explained through a short messaging app.

Milenia team planned to implement their proposed program immediately under the supervision from Nanang Wijayanto, S.ST., M.M.Par. The team will conduct socialization on tourism awareness, sapta pesona, and rural tourism, followed by human resource development through training for tour guides, facilitators, and technical assistance for product development. Lastly, conducting CHSE technical assistance to create Travel Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) in the community. “CHSE technical assistance is also expected to support the human resource development and to create sustainable ‘Reaksi’ rural tourism or recreation, adventure, and education,” Milenia said.

The Gamagrita SV UNS team leader, Hilda Sekar Wulandari, explained the background of her team proposal. She said that her team wants to empower Segorogunung villagers through various programs. Her program includes training for skill and business capacity improvement, establishing agrilawu center to sell local products and village business incubation, creating featured local products, and creating a flower garden for rural tourism. “These programs are expected to move the local economy and increase village income-generating,” Hilda said.

The team has conducted a survey to map the village potential and examine the issues faced by the village under the supervision of Rysca Indreswari, S.Pt., M.Si., before submitting their proposal. After the announcement, Hilsa explained that she and her team would devise a strategy and coordinate with Segorogunung village government to implement their programs. They will create processed products from chayote, flower garden, business capacity training, and agrilawu center “Agrilawu Berdaya” as local product sales and village business incubation. Hila hoped that the programs could improve knowledge, skills, and participation from Segorogunung villagers.

The last team leader, Intan Muslimah, explained that her team’s proposal aims to apply pharmacy knowledge for the rural community in preventing Covid-19 in Sawahan village. The team considers that Covid-19 prevention is still vital for Indonesia, especially in their target village. “That’s why we took the initiative to prepare a series of Covid-19 prevention programs in the village,” Intan Muslimah said.

She also explained how she and her team participate in the competition to uns.ac.id. Their participation started with information from their teachers. Intan then created a team of D-3 Pharmacy students who live in the Solo region. After selecting the team, at the beginning of May, she and her team conducted a survey to Sawahan village, which is followed by the signing of a collaboration agreement with the village government. Her team then prepared their proposal.

After winning the funding, Intan Muslimah stated that her team would prepare a schedule and provide initial counseling on the program to the Sawahan village. “We are supervised by Apt. anif Nur Artanti, S.Farm. M.Sc, and want that this program benefits the villagers,” she concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Yefta Christopherus AS
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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