UNS — Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta welcomed a visit from three universities on Thursday (18/11/2021). The three universities are Universitas Mataram (Unram), Universitas Borneo Tarakan (UBT), and Universitas Negeri Malang (UM).

The welcoming ceremony was opened by Vice-Dean for Academic, Research, and Student Affairs FKIP UNS, Prof. Slamet Subiyantoro, who hoped that the program could provide a source of improvements for universities in the future. “This program is expected not only to develop partnership but also improvements for universities in the future,” Prof. Slamet stated. The ceremony was then officially opened by the Dean of FKIP UNS, Dr. Mardiyana, M.Si., who thanked the three visiting universities for coming to FKIP UNS. “It is a great pleasure for us that you could come to learn together, especially Unram and UBT that are still in one FKIP forum,” he stated.

The visit was divided into three different forums according to the topic of the visit by each visiting university. UBT discussed the implementation of Pre-school Environment (PLP), Unram discussed the collaboration in establishing Doctoral Program in Natural Science education, and UM discussed the benchmark between UNS and UM. The program was opened with sharing of FKIP UNS profile, organizational structure, the target of Key Performance Indicators (IKU) 2021-2024, faculty accreditation, programs certification plan, and FKIP contribution in the National Science Week (Pimnas) 2021 by Dr. Mardiyana. In this sharing, Dr. Mardiyana also shared his wish that all programs in FKIP UNS will have a professional assessment scheme so that all graduates will have a bachelor certificate, bachelor certificate supplement (SKPI), and professional certification.

Following the sharing from the Dean of FKIP UNS, UBT stated in the discussion forum that their visit aims to perform a comparative study in PLP implementation. The team was led by Winarno, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Ni Made Diah Padmi, S.Pd., M.Pd, and Riska Febriani, S.E., as members then participated in the Workshop in Evaluation on the Implementation of School Environment Introduction (PLP) held by UP2KT FKIP UNS in Building F FKIP UNS 3rd floor Hall that was attended by partners school headmasters.

Three Universities Visited FKIP UNS

The Head of Doctoral Program in Natural Science Education UNS, Prof. Sulistyo Saputro, M.Si, Ph.D., continued the discussion on the opening of a similar program in Unram and collaboration between Unram and FKIP UNS with Prof. Agus Ramdani from Unram. In the discussion, Prof. Sulis shared the management of his Doctoral Program starting from the profile, faculty members, alumni, development plans, research track record, and the steps to achieve its vision to be an excellent program at the international level by 2024. These steps include inviting guest lecturers, conducting an international conference, and inviting visiting professors from other countries and Indonesia.

“Alhamdulillah, working towards 2024, some programs to achieve the vision to excel at the international level have been implemented well. This is proved by applicants in the Doctoral Program in Natural Science Education from abroad. Yesterday, I was contacted by International Office that there are applicants from abroad. It is a pride that UNS internationalization could increase the interest towards our program,” Prof. Sulis stated.

Responding to the sharing from Prof. Sulis, Prof. Agus as a representative from Unram shared his progress in the development of their new Doctoral Program. Unram had conducted an assessment on 16 November and had received a permit to open the program.

“After the assessment, there is a big homework regarding the facilities and infrastructure that need to be completed in the next two weeks. Frankly, we do not know that independent study facilities are the main requirement in the opening of this new program. Because UNS had received an operational permit earlier, we visit UNS to learn about the matter,” he explained.

The program was closed with a signing of collaboration agreement between FKIP UNS and Unram and the exchange of tokens of appreciation. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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