UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a general lecture on Globalization and the Indonesia Economic System with the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK) on Wednesday (13/10/2021). The general lecture was held online and offline through the Zoom Cloud Meeting platform and was attended by more than 100 participants online and offline.

Vice-Rector for Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information Affairs, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sajidan, M.Si., in his opening remark, mentioned that the second Key Performance Indicator (IKU) of Public University (PTN) lays the fundamentals for the general lecture. This general lecture that provides external experiences for students is expected to equip them with valuable knowledge in understanding and go in deep into the Indonesian economic situation that they could use in their workplace.

“We thank BPK and Ibu Amanah for providing a lecture on the economy, the direction, knowledge, and insight for students. It will be beneficial for students once they graduate and enter the workplace,”  Prof. Sajidan stated.

Prof. Sajidan also mentioned that this general lecture is a token from UNS in implementing the fourth IKU on professional’s lecture in the campus by inviting Amanah Abdulkadir, M.A., Ph.D., as Ex Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Indonesia Resident Mission (IRM) Economic Officer.

UNS and BPK General Lecture on Globalization and Indonesia Economic System

On the general lecture, Amanah Abdulkadir, M.A., Ph.D., delivered material on “Balance of Payment and Sustainable Economic Development”. She explained that even before the pandemic, other countries could take over the Indonesian commodities market. Thus, the expert in anticipating the possibilities in the international market is vital.

“(A country) needs to be able to anticipate the market turmoil and not overwhelmed by the market,” Amanah stated.

She also suggested that Indonesia participate in advanced goods production to increase sustainable economic growth. She also reminded the millennials not to use their imagination in creating larger opportunities to introduce a new type of job.

Nearing the end of the general lecture, the event was followed by the delivery of token appreciation represented by Prof. Sajidan for Amanah Abdulkadir. The general lecture was concluded with documentation. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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