UNS — The Research Group English for Vocational Purposes, Diploma Program (D3) in English Literature Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta handed pocket dictionary of Keris Terminology to Museum Keris Nusantara (MKN) Surakarta on Tuesday (15/12/2020). The ceremony was held in MKN as a form of commitment and contribution of the Diploma Program (D3) in English Literature in creating functional products for the community.

The research team member, Muhammad Taufiq Al Makmun, Representative for Translation Quality Assessor, Yunita Widiyantari, and research assistant, Nuraeni, met the Chief of UPT MKN, Luthfi Khamid, to hand the pocket dictionary of Keris Terminology. Muhammad Taufiq Al Makmun stated that MKN has a collection of around 2000 Keris, the indigenous Indonesian cultural creations representing the nation’s local wisdom. Keris’s beauty and uniqueness are a different magnet for international visitors to know more and get closer to Indonesia’s special weapon.

“This (Keris collection) becomes a great opportunity for MKN to take part in supporting Solo International tourism. One of the internationalization efforts conducted by MKN is providing bilingual information – Indonesian and English – in the label (caption) and storyline of their collections to facilitate communication between MKN and visitors, especially international visitors,” Taufiq explained.

But it cannot be denied that Keris’ philosophical and symbolic values pose significant challenges for translators. This challenge inspired the researchers in the Research Group Diploma Program (D3) of English Literature SV UNS to study the English caption and storyline translated by learner translators who took Student Internship Program in MKN. Through the Penelitian Unggulan UNS grant, the team led by Ardianna Nuraeni launched ‘Kamus Saku Peristilahan Keris: Terjemahan ke Bahasa Inggris’ (Pocket Dictionary of Keris Terminology: Translation to English) as their research outcome.

“The dictionary contains the collection of Keris Terminology presented in two languages, especially Indonesian/Javanese and English, as a practical solution for novice translators or international visitors who want to learn more about Keris,” Taufiq added.

The Chief of UPT MKN, Luthfi Khamid hopes that Diploma Program (D3) in English Literature will continue to work together and collaborate in education, research, and community service activities in developing and improving MKN. “We are glad and greatly helped with this dictionary, which will bring benefits for our educator and curator, and the international visitors,” Khamid stated. Humas UNS

Reporter: Dwi Hastuti

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