UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta officially established a partnership with the Financial Supervision and Development Agency (BPKP) after the partnership and memorandum of understanding signatory ceremony in Conference Room II of Dr. Prakosa Building UNS on Wednesday (21/9/2022).

The event was attended directly by the Rector of UNS, Prof. Jamal Wiwoho; Vice-Rector of Research and Innovation Affairs UNS, Prof. Kuncoro Diharjo; the Vice-Rector for Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information Affairs, Prof. Sajidan; Secretary of UNS, Dr. Drajat Tri Kartono; Director of Partnership, Development, and Internationalization UNS, Prof. Irwan Trinugroho; as well as the Faculty Deans in UNS. Meanwhile, the BPKP was represented by the General Secretary of BPKP, Ernadhi Sudarmanto. Also present during the ceremony were the Head of the BPKP Center for Research and Development (Puslitbangwas), Amdi Veri Darma; SPIP R&D Sub-Coordinator, Dwi Kiswanto; and BPKP’s Lead Auditor, Dwi Arka Prasetya.

UNS Establishes Partnership with Financial and Development Supervision Agency

The Rector of UNS, Prof. Jamal Wiwoho, welcomed this partnership and wished that this partnership could accomplish the previously designated proper and clean government implementation. “I sincerely hope that UNS partnership with BPKP can be useful to monitor the implementation of priority programs that have been announced, thus, it can be carried out well, smoothly, and be free from deviations,” said Prof. Jamal.

The partnership is also expected to develop towards the implementation of Higher Education Tri Dharma, including accommodating the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). “Once signed by BPKP and UNS, the document should not only be stored in the drawer and serve as an archived document. Instead, this partnership must be followed up immediately in academics, research, service, internships, KKN, and various other sectors, including the involvement of professionals and excellent auditors from BPKP—who are willing to collaborate to promote UNS—to deliver lectures at UNS,” he added.

The partnership established between UNS and BPKP targeted to empower the Center of Excellence (CoE) through self-governing. This memorandum of understanding aims to support the implementation of tasks and functions in improving the internal government supervision quality, spurring creativity and co-creation, fostering the implementation of applied research and study results, encouraging the advancement of science that will be beneficial to national development, and empower and synergize existing resources and knowledge in supporting internal supervision development.

UNS Establishes Partnership with Financial and Development Supervision Agency

The scope of this partnership includes the implementation of Higher Education Tri Dharma as well as the empowerment of CoE STAR for the dissemination of science and applied research or studies that support internal supervision development. Additionally, knowledge management system capability improvement, which is related to financial and development internal supervision, as well as internal supervision policies development and creations—through the utilization of applied research results or studies conducted academically—are also covered in the partnership that will be valid within three years period.

The General Secretary of BPKP, Ernadhi Sudarmanto, thanked UNS for opening up and willing to collaborate with BPKP. This partnership is expected to facilitate both institutions to achieve the main research objective related to the implementation of proper and clean governance through the planned CoE. “Through CoE, we want to collaborate with academic experts for the greatest benefit of both higher education and BPKP. For 2022, BPKP is working with UNS for research in the APP sector, namely strengthening good and clean government administration,” said Ernadhi.

UNS Establishes Partnership with Financial and Development Supervision Agency

With this partnership, Ernadhi revealed that he wanted to explore a more effective and appropriate perspective for better and cleaner government administration. Further, the partnership between UNS and BPKP encourages a scientific culture and strengthens BPKP’s position and accountability for financial supervision and development in the public sector. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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