UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a workshop for the development roadmap of an Integrated Service Unit (ULT), Monday (15/5/2023). This activity was intended to lay the foundation for the development of the Integrated Service Unit, which will begin this year.

As a university with the status of a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH), UNS must continue to make various adaptations to the times and move dynamically including in providing services to all parties. ULT development is an effort to improve service quality.

In the activity titled “Workshop for Integrated Service Unit Development Roadmap “, Retno Tanding Suryandari Ph.D., as the coordinator said that the construction of ULT is a form of Quick Win from a process of bureaucratic reform. So far, ULT development plans have been part of the thinking of the UNS Bureaucratic Reform Team.

This activity was officially opened by the Acting Vice Rector for General Affairs and HR UNS, Dr. E. Muhtar, S.Pd., M.Si., CFrA. In his remarks, he said that the development of ULT was part of a continuous improvement effort, especially in the field of service management at UNS.

“I appreciate the performance of the Bureaucratic Reform Team which has worked hard to initiate the development of ULT,” Dr. Muhtar said.

As resource persons in this activity are Dra. Andriyani Sasanti, M.M., as the Head of the Surakarta City One-Stop Investment and Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP) which oversees the Surakarta City Public Service Mall (MPP), and Ahmad Baehaqi, S.Sc., M.T., as Secretary of the Directorate of Governance, Legal, and Communications, Padjadjaran University (Unpad) which oversees ULT Unpad.

The two speakers presented the roadmap and development of ULT from preparation to current operations which are expected to be used as benchmarks for UNS. On this occasion the UNS Integrated Service Unit Development Plan (RPULT) was also explained by the Secretary of the UNS Bureaucratic Reform Team, Dr. Dimas Rahadian Aji Muhammad.

The event continued with a discussion session for workshop participants consisting of the Heads of Bureaus, Vice Deans for Academic and Student Affairs, the Heads of Technical Implementation Units (UPT) and all members of the Bureaucratic Reform Team within UNS. This activity was carried out with support from the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) through the DAPT scheme. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji

Redaktur: Dwi Hastuti

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