UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta always provides the widest opportunity for everybody to study in UNS, including international students. Through its “Mangesthi Luhur Ambangun Nagara” spirit, the university is ready to participate in state development with its noble vision. Not long ago, uns.ac.id had an opportunity to talk to the international students in UNS who shared their experience in studying and living in Solo. Zoarinala Faratiana Irene Arson, Muhammet Tashliyev, Eugenio Lay, and Fidele Iraguha stories are shared here for you.

Studying at UNS brings colorful life for Zoarinala Faratiana Irene Arson (26), a Madagascar student who is currently studying Postgraduate Program in English Language and Literature UNS after completing her undergraduate program in Visual Communication Design (DKV) UNS. having stayed for seven years in UNS, Irene said that she is interested in the Indonesian language and culture. “I come to Indonesia to learn the Indonesian Language. In Madagascar, I am very interested in Indonesian cultures,” Irene said when we met her in UNS International Office (IO), Tuesday (9/11/2021).

Irene selected UNS after thorough research and concluded that UNS is a good campus. Many things made her happy when staying in UNS, and she got to know diverse people during her study, life independently that shaped her into a responsible person for her future. Irene also learned the local culture through the Student Community Service Program (KKN) in Pacitan. However, she also has shares of homesickness, taking care of herself when she fell sick in a foreign nation, and loneliness when her international friends went home. Irene has a principle of not giving up in facing all life challenges.

“Don’t give up because, during my study in Indonesia, there were many challenges that I faced. Many dramas in my life. But I need to get up and get out from each problem,” Irene said. Concluding the interview, Irene reminded international students in UNS not to give up and continue to commit to being better people. “Continue to commit to finishing what you’re starting and be a good person,” Irene said.

Muhammet Tashliyev (23) from Turkmenistan also shared his experiences with uns.ac.id. The student of English Language Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNS chose Indonesia because of its beauty and diverse tourism destination. While UNS was selected because his older brother also studied in the university. Although he has family members who studied in UNS before, Tashliyev did not expect the country to be crowded. He also admitted that he experienced a culture shock when arriving in Indonesia and had a hard time adjusting to local cuisines that forced him to cook his own foods, although he admitted that Indonesian foods are not pricey.

UNS International Student’s Story: Moving to Surakarta to Achieve Dreams

However, all of the hardships have honed him into a more independent person and acquired many new experiences from Indonesia. The student who had just learned the Indonesian language once he arrived in UNS through UNS Language Center proved that he could learn a new language successfully. He reminds his fellows to enjoy their learning process and focus on their main objective. “Need to enjoy the moment you are experiencing. Also, focus when studying,” Tashliyev said.

Eugenio Lay (22) from Timor Leste is studying Communication Science Program at UNS. He shared that his decision to choose Surakarta is due to his relative who lives in the city, and UNS was selected because of its fame and accreditation of his program, Communication Science. Living in Surakarta makes him happy because he thinks people are friendly and polite, which amazed him even more. Similar to Tashliyev, Eugenio also needs time to adjust to Indonesian cuisine. In the interview, Eugenio also shared that his life principle is to be a polite, patient, grateful, and neutral person in facing all problems. At the end of the interview, he reminds his fellow students to be able to be friends with anybody. “Do not only befriend your peer to expand your friendship,” he stated.

Lastly, Fidele Iraguha (30), a student of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Science UNS, shared that he continues his study after completing his undergraduate program in Uganda, his home country. He chose Indonesia because it is a member of Group of 20 (G20) that has better education quality, and UNS is selected because it is located in a good region and has an affordable living cost. Fidele also said that living in Surakarta makes him feel comfortable because people are friendly and helpful.

“I once run out of gasoline. I need to push my motorbike. At the time, suddenly, there was a person who offered help. They look for gasoline for me, and when I’m about to pay, they refuse,” Fidele said. He added that UNS has responsive faculty members, a beautiful and comfortable campus, and rapid development. During his study, he has a principle that if others could do it, he should be able to do it. “If (I) want to achieve something, (I) need to be focused and have good time management,” he said.

At the end of the interview, he reminds other UNS international students to stay high-spirited and focus on their studies. “But don’t forget to take a break and explore Indonesia because Indonesia is a beautiful country,” he concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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