UNS – The delegation from the Law Faculty of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta has emerged victorious in the Andalas Law Competition (ALCOM) VI 2023. They achieved 1st place and the Best Speaker award in the National Law Debate Competition (Kompetisi Debat Hukum Nasional, or KDHN) category. This accomplishment was attained after UNS students triumphed over delegates from Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang and the University of Indonesia (UI).

KDHN is a part of the national law competition ALCOM 2023 organized by the Basilek Lidah Community (Kombad) Justitia of Law Faculty of Universitas Andalas (Unand). KDHN brings together participants from both pro and contra sides to present and defend arguments according to the motion debated.

The UNS delegation went through three stages: preliminary rounds, semifinals, and the final. Razanah Syadza, Ida Bagus, Yohanes Christian K., and Ni’mah Pangestika Ayu flew to Unand after passing the preliminary stage. The research team members of the UNS delegation were Fatimi Hanum and Ruth Nasya. All of them are students affiliated with the Law Faculty Debate Community (KDFH) at UNS.

Bagus explained to uns.ac.id that this victory was achieved through careful preparation of arguments during the debate competition. Time management was crucial for studying the motions set by the organizers. In this competition, the KDFH UNS delegation was required to prepare both pro and contra arguments for 10 motions in a month.

“During one month of preparation, we prepared 20 files. These were both pro and contra for the 10 motions given. With consultations with alumni, consultations with lecturers, and joint research, we finally managed to go to Padang and even became the champion,” Bagus said on Sunday (10/12/2023).

Bagus and his colleagues admitted to learning many new things. The motions raised in this competition added to their knowledge of legal science. This is because they studied motions that were still current.

Furthermore, they prepared by consulting with mentors. KDFH, as a Student Activity Unit (UKM) that oversees students’ interest in legal debate, provided facilities such as mentoring for competitions. Bagus explained that KDFH UNS contributed to the preparation of files and arguments.

“Every file was always checked by mentors as a representation that we wanted to present the best for the faculty and the university,” he added.

The KDFH UNS delegation expressed joy at this achievement. They felt proud because this competition became a moment to bring the good name of UNS to the national stage. The spirit of UNS students was demonstrated when they successfully defeated delegations from other universities to become the champions of KDHN ALCOM 2023.

Bagus hoped that more students would achieve success and be highly committed to learning. He advised that failure should not be seen as an obstacle but as a motivation to continue trying what is liked and pursued.

Humas UNS

Reporter: R. P. Adji

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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