UNS — Recently, social media users have been surprised by trilingual and multilingual trends initiated by a viral upload of a paragraph written in several languages. Netizens reacted to the trend by creating similar uploads in different languages. Even the official Instagram account of @bipakemdikbud also follows the trend using Indonesia, Sundanese, English, and Korean languages.

Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta Linguistic Expert, Dr. Muhammad Rohmadi, M.Hum., responding toward this phenomenon from functional linguistic aspects with triadic dimensions that consist of forms, functions, and context. Context holds a vital role in using multilingual usage in daily life, which holds specific meanings.

“There will be an implication. The implication is what is implied. First, there are (people) using multi-languages to differentiate themselves from others. There are (people) who use multi-languages to maintain a reputation that they master numerous languages. There are also those who want to attract readers or viewers and those with persuasive aims. These all integrated into language functions,” Rohmadi explained.

The multilingual phenomenon in Indonesia is considered normal because, based on the survey conducted through the SwiftKey website, Indonesia has the most prominent multilingual speakers in the world. Indonesia exceeds Israel and Spain that are ranked second and third. Multilingual usage, according to Dr. Rohmadi, also marks that its speakers have adequate knowledge that they could elaborate, create, and innovate languages they master.

Dr. Rohmadi stated that there are many factors that make Indonesian people to be trilingual or multilingual speakers. The meet between culture and technology development is the most dominant factor that causes this phenomenon. “Trilingual phenomenon occurs because the meeting of culture from various regions and technology development. With technological development, we could enter all lines. Even when we do not master the language, we could google it,” the Sociopragmatic Faculty Member in the Master Program in Indonesia Language Education Program UNS stated.

Multilingual speakers often mix the languages they master when they speak and write. However, many worry that it could damage the language. Dr. Rohmadi stated that it needs to be returned to the context of the speakers. He thinks the practice will not damage the language as long as the context is formal. “Often, they use multilingual in a non-formal context. Therefore, the use (of multilingual) needs to match the context and be responsible for using languages that could be measured from what they think and what they say. What they say becomes an action. Those actions become habits and characters,” the Chairman of Indonesia Language and Literature Faculty Member Associations (Adobsi) stated.

However, Dr. Rohmadi reminded me that multilingual speakers could apply their skills according to the appropriate situation, interlocutors, and orientation. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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