UNS โ€” Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta student won another international level achievement. Rizma Yudatama, Mathematics Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) student, won an honorable mention in the International Mathematics Competition (IMC) for University Students 2021.

The competition was participated by around 587 participants from various countries. This year, the competition was hosted by Bulgaria, even though the competition was fully held online. However, the online setting of the competition did not stop Rizma from striving in the championship. During the preparation, Rizma was supervised by a teacher assigned by the National Achievement Center (Pusat Prestasi Nasional – Puspresnas) Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbud Ristek).

โ€œThe special preparation was delivered by teachers selected by Puspresnas from 20 July to 1 August (2021). In general, the preparation was like participating in lectures and independent study. There were no significant challenges (during the preparation), but because of the pandemic, we could not have offline supervision, thus personally, my study was below optimum,โ€ Rizma explained on Monday (16/8/2021).

Before obtaining an opportunity to represent Indonesia in IMC, Rizma won a bronze medal at the National Mathematic and Natural Science Competition (KN-MIPA) in Mathematics Track in 2020. After went through long competition rounds, Rizma received the honorable mention award.

โ€œWhen (I) was announced as an honorable mention, I was happy. I did not expect to get an honorable mention. To participate in IMC to represent Puspresnas already made me happy,โ€ he stated.

The international competition that was held on 2 โ€“ 7 August 2021 was categorized into two groups, individual and group competitions. Rizma explained that in the individual competition, participants were observed by the IMC committee, while in group competition, participants were observed by the team leader.

โ€œTeam leader is teacher, so they do not compete. The questions are essays that took two days, each day four questions with a total four hours provided to complete them,โ€ the Mathematic Program UNS student explained.

Rizma hoped that after this competition, he could assist other participants from elementary school, junior high school, or senior high school.

โ€œ(I will be) grateful if I get an opportunity to assist participants from universities. Hopefully, this experience could help me in continuing my study and applying for a job. I hope that my fellow students, especially in UNS, could achieve better achievement at IMC or other academic competitions,โ€ he shared. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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