UNS — The research finding from Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta student on gold prize brought a proud achievement. A team from the Statistics Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) UNS won 1st place in the National Data Summit (NDS) 2021. The team consisted of Muhammad Zidni Subarkah, Efi Yatun Hasanah, and Eni Sawitri Setianingsih, using ‘Timku’ as their team’s name.

In the competition, they analyzed the data on weekly gold price from the id.investing.com site and wrote an article titled “Gold Price Forecast on Determining Gold Investment Potential in Supporting Indonesian Community Economy using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Method” that aimed to determine the appropriate time to sell and purchase gold.

“When the community invests in gold, their economy will be better and could support the mission of developed Indonesia 2045,” Efi stated to uns.ac.id on Monday (27/12/2021).

The analysis result conducted by UNS Team showed that there will be an increase in the gold price in the near future and will become an appropriate time for people to sell their gold. This kind of forecast could become a reference for the appropriate time for the community to invest. In simple terms, the autoregressive integrating moving average method is used to forecast univariate data using several order parameters. The team uses three order parameters: the order for autoregression process (AR), the order for the number of differentiations performed on non-stationary time series data, and the order determining the Moving Average (MA) process. According to Efi, this method could generate an accurate short-term forecast.

Gold investment is profitable for future savings. This investment is also considered to be safer and has lower risk. Improving people’s welfare and Indonesia’s economy will also be easier to achieve. Therefore, the community was asked not to sell their golds hastily.

With the result achieved in NDS 2021, Efi representing her friends, stated that they are delighted and grateful. She offered her gratitude to all parties who have supported their efforts, especially to Dr. Winita Sulandari, S.Si., M.Si., as their supervisor.

“We also hope that our UNS fellows and Statistics Program could contribute in achievements and benefiting Indonesia in achieving advanced Indonesia 2045,” Efi stated.

The success of the UNS Team was achieved after a strict competition with many teams from several universities such as Universitas Telkom to Universitas Indonesia (UI). NDS 2021 is a place for students with data processing abilities to participate and analyze data that support and change the economy. This event was held by Universitas Telkom under the theme of “Solution for Sustainable Economic Development for Advanced Indonesia 2045”. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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