UNS — The Holistic Village Empowerment and Development Program (PHP2D) from the Student Association in Agricultural Extension & Communication Program (HM Pelita) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta implemented an integrated farming step by creating a biofloc pond. The 15 people group implemented their program in Kragan Village, Gondangrejo Subdistrict, Karanganyar District that is aligned with their PHP2D HM Pelita UNS 2021 proposal.

Novianto Yoga Wibisono, the PHP2D HM Pelita UNS Team Leader, stated that the biofloc pond could be used to cultivate 2,500 catfish seeds. The wastewater from the ponds is used for fertilizer in cultivating organic water spinach by the pool. “The tools needed to build the pond are pond base framework, rice husk, sand, and cement,” he explained to the uns.ac.id team on Monday (22/11/2021).

The program received a positive response from the village government and all village people. Kragan Village Chief, Widada, S.E., stated that his village and its government fully support all the positive activities held in the village.

The construction process was supervised by Sapto and Sarjono as the person in charge of Kragan Village biofloc development. The construction started with building the biofloc pond with a diameter of 2.5 meters, filling the pond with water, left behind the water for a week before adding the catfish seeds to ensure that the water was purified.

The water is then filtered and channeled through a drip fertigation system to irrigate chili plants around the biofloc pond owned by Kragan Village. The irrigation was prepared using pipes, PE hose, faucet, aquarium pump, T pipes, and L pipes. All of the stages are to support the integrated farming program implemented beforehand. The team added a zero-waste concept the reduce farming wastes.

The programs were expected to be implemented by all village people, especially in the application of zero waste to support sustainable farming. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa A
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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