UNS — Participating in volunteering activities has a different interest for Alvianita Maulia, student of Geography Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), and Rizky Nur Fadilah, student of Environmental Science Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta. They were selected to participate in the Youth Climate Action Camp held in Pramuka Island, Kepulauan Seribu, for three days and two nights after passing several selection stages. The event was held by Teens Go Green Indonesia, a national community with a legal entity.

The program includes several activities that support natural protection, observation of social and environmental issues in the coastal environment, mangrove planting, and coral reef transplantation led by Kepulauan Seribu National Park and beach clean up. “Concluded with providing a prototype of real action for the environment,” Alvianita explained to uns.ac.id team on Tuesday (7/12/2021).

Alvianita shared that she knew the program from Instagram. The registration process attracted 506 applicants that were eliminated in the first stage to select Best 100. Alvianita then participated in the Environmental Study Class and prepared an action plan that brought her to the interview round to select the Best 30, in which Alvianita and Rizky were included.

In the interview, Alvianita also shared her experiences during the program that was held in October. She said that the local community life is quite unique with the enchanting natural beauty of the surrounding environment.

“The life of islanders is unique with their own accent. The enchanting natural beauty also captured our attention. We also visited a small island that has not been exploited by people. The natural protection events were also challenging with coral reef transplantation using a certain method, beach clean up, and mangrove,” Alvianita said.

After participating in this program, Alvianita hoped that she could apply the action plan she prepared through establishing communities in environmental protection.

“This action also run in November under the name Trash Mate that focuses on environmental action and waste management. Trash Mate is affiliated with Plan Indonesia, Australian Aid, and Teens Go Green Indonesia as the main support in briefing and seed funding to start its actions. I hope Trash Mate could continue growing with various great programs for the environment,” she concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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