UNS — A student from Early Childhood Education Program (PG PAUD) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Fadhilla Anggraeni won 3rd place in the Micro Teaching Competition for national university students in the Gebyar Emas Dies Natalis Prodi PG PAUD (Gemerlap) IX (PG PAUD Anniversary) held by Student Association (HMP) PG PAUD Program Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM).

Gemerlap IX was held to commemorate the anniversary of PG PAUD Program UTM under the theme of “Mencetak Generasi Muda (Mandiri, Unggul, Dedikatif, dan Aktif) guna Menjawab Tantangan Masa Kini” (shaping independent, excellent, dedicated, and actif generation to answer the current challenges). Fadhilla submitted a micro-teaching material on “Desaku” (my village) that discusses “Kenduri” (traditional banquet where rural people gather to pray for specific occasion, birth, marriage, death, or payer). In her teaching video, Fadhilla discussed the Kenduri event that is common in the rural areas in Indonesia. She hoped her video could benefit the educational institution and preserve cultures in Indonesia.

“I hope the video could benefit the education institution, especially for early childhood education. This video is also my effort to preserve traditional cultures. I was born and grew up in the rural areas that are close to the tradition and culture. Therefore, preserving them is my dream,” Fadhilla said on Saturday (20/11/2021). Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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