UNS – Students of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta had again succeeded in achieving a proud achievement. This time, the proud achievement was brought by seven UNS students who won several awards in the Generasi Berencana Ambassadors Sukoharjo 2023.

The seven UNS students, namely Salsabila Rahma Putri, a student of the Informatics and Computer Engineering Study Program (PTIK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNS who won 1st place as Duta Genre for Sukoharjo Regency 2023; Najwa Fitria Mulyasari, a student of the Law Science Study Program Faculty of Law (FH) UNS who won 2nd place as Duta Genre for Sukoharjo Regency 2023; Irma Mas Qorimah, a student of the Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture (FP) who won 1st place for Consolation Prize-Female Category Duta Genre for Sukoharjo Regency 2023, Fatihah Asy Syifa from the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering (FT) UNS who won the Influencer Champion-Female Category Duta Genre for Sukoharjo Regency 2023; Alexander Fanky Carelino, Indonesian Literature Study Program student, Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) who won the Influencer Champion-Male Category Duta Genre for Sukoharjo Regency 2023; Dyah Ayu Nur Pitasari from D-3 Chemical Engineering Vocational School Study Program ( SV) UNS who was selected as the Top 10 Finalists for the  Genre Ambassador Sukoharjo Regency 2023; and Setia Purwati, a student of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program, FKIP UNS who was also selected as the Top 10 Finalists for for the  Genre Ambassador Sukoharjo Regency 2023.

Salsabila Rahma Putri who was crowned the first place Duta Genre for Sukoharjo Regency said she was happy and proud of her achievement. “I never thought I would win first place. On the other hand, of course I am very proud of myself and grateful,” Salsa said when interviewed by uns.ac.id, Monday (29/5/2023) .

The same thing was also expressed by Najwa Fitria Mulyasari who won 2nd place in the Genre Ambassador Sukoharjo Regency 2023. Najwa said she was very grateful, especially since this was the first time she had participated in the Duta Genre event. “But through this event I was able to get a lot of experience, new friends, new knowledge, and especially the happiest thing is that I can make my parents proud,” Najwa said.

Like Salsa and Najwa, Irma Mas Qorimah won 1st place for Consolation Prize-Female Category Duta Genre for Sukoharjo Regency 2023.

 “When I won that title, I still couldn’t believe that I could be in that position. Of course I am very happy to remember that I was able to process and fight from the selection to the grand final with very great people, even greater than me. Apart from that, going through this competition also made me believe more that everything is about whether we want to try or not,” Irma said.

*Motivation to Participate in the Genre Ambassador Sukoharjo Regency Event 2023 *

Meanwhile, Fatihah Asy Syifa’s motivation, who won the Influencer Champion-Female Category Duta Genre for Sukoharjo Regency 2023, is that this event is in line with her life principles. “The best human being is useful for others. I don’t want to be a big fish in a small aquarium. Therefore I want to move to a big aquarium. So that the good things I do can create smiles for the wider community,” Fatihah explained.

Furthermore, Alexander Fanky Carelino’s motivation for winning the Influencer Champion-Male Category Duta Genre for Sukoharjo Regency 2023 was to actually implement public speaking skills and train mental readiness to speak in public.

Feng, as he is affectionately called, hopes that in the future he can continue to develop and process activities on and off campus, “My message is for UNS students: don’t be afraid to upgrade yourself, and don’t get too comfortable in your comfort zone. Dare to step out of your comfort zone and start honing your skills and hobbies,” Feng said.

Then Dyah Ayu Nur Pitasari who was chosen as the Top 10 Finalist for the Genre Ambassador Sukoharjo Regency 2023 hopes that after this event she can become someone who can help and contribute to what the goal of the Genre Ambassador is. Then hopefully there will be more successors from UNS who will participate and win the Genre Ambassador Sukoharjo Regency event.

Finally, Setia Purwati, who was also selected as the Top 10 Finalist for the Genre Ambassador Sukoharjo Regency 2023, advised us to never be afraid or hesitate to get out of our comfort zone.

 “Keep learning and processing. Failure is not the end of everything. But failure is part of the process toward success,“ she concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Lina Khoirun Nisa

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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