UNS — The students of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta successfully brought home two achievements at the international level in Andalas International Public Health Conference (AIPHC) 2020 on October 2020. These students are Rizka Lailatul Rohmah, student of Diploma Program (D-4) in Work Health (K3) Vocational School (SV), Bayu Aji Prasetya, student of Indonesian Language and Literature (FIB), and Ahmad Imam Syafi’I, student of Diploma Program (D-3) in Agribusiness SV UNS. They successfully brought home two favorite winners for poster and health promotion video categories in the AIPHC 2020 event.

AIPHC 2020 is an international conference followed by an international level call for paper, poster competition, and health promotion video competition held by the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Andalas. The event was held on 27-28 October 2020 and was joined by participants from various countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Kuwait, Australia, China, Thailand, and India.

In the interview with uns.ac.id, Rizka stated that the video and poster they submitted raised awareness on mental health and health protocol. “In the video, we shared the story of a psychosomatic person who often absorbs hoaxes surrounding Covid-19. We try to invite the community to be calm but continue to follow the health protocol amid the growth of news with unverified sources. Besides, physical health, mental and psychological health is vital to be taken care of,” she explained, Wednesday (9/12/2020). While the poster they made highlighted the health protocol that must be implemented by the community in their daily activities.

“Even though we are in the new normal adaptation period, the community still needs to obey the health protocol. That’s why through our poster, we invited the community to implement 5 M, menjaga jarak, memakai masker, mencuci tangan, menerapkan etika batuk dan bersin, and menghindari menyentuh area wajah, hidung, mata, and mulut (physical distancing, wear mask, wash hands, apply coughing and sneezing ethics, and avoid touching face, nose, eyes, and mouth),” she explained.

Through this achievement, Rizka, who is also an Excellent Student of Diploma Program UNS 2020 hopes that she can obtain more achievements. “Hopefully, this achievement can encourage us to be productive in competition both at local and international level. Hopefully, this achievement also inspires other UNS students,” she concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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