By: Atiek Rachmawati, S.S (Alumnus of Javanese Language and Literature FSSR UNS (Now FIB) 1999/Javanese Teacher Jawa SMA N 2 Grabag, Magelang)

The Indonesia Dictionary (KBBI) defined a curriculum as a set of courses taught in an educational institution and/or a set of courses on a particular expertise. According to, a curriculum is a set of courses and educational programs provided by an educational institution that contains a lesson plan that will be provided for students in a particular educational period. The curriculum preparation is adjusted to the condition and capacity of each educational level in administering the education and job requirements.

Prototype or archetype is an entity’s first look or standard (tangible unit). In design, a prototype is prepared before the actual product is produced on its accurate scale or mass-produced.

At the end of the odd semester or the beginning of even semester 2022, educational staff, particularly teachers, were roused with the implementation of a new curriculum, Prototype Curriculum. According to Dr. Supangat in his book, Kurikulum 2022, Mengenal Kurikulum Prototipe Bagi Sekolah dan Guru (2021) (Curriculum 2022, Understanding Prototype Curriculum for School and Teacher (2021)), the curriculum has been prepared in the last few years to be implemented in Exemplary Schools. It is regulated in Mendikbudristek Decree Number 162/M/2021 concerning Exemplary Schools.

Curriculum 2013 (K-2013/ Kurtilas) is currently implemented in the Indonesian education system. However, the pandemic forced the government to apply flexible policy for schools to select curricula that match students’ learning needs. The academic unit could independently apply the national K13 curriculum, emergency curriculum, and/or simplify the curriculum. The academic unit is also allowed to reduce Basic Competencies for each course so that teachers and students could be more focused on essential competencies for the next education level.

Prototype Curriculum is the follow-up of learning policy as a response to the Covid situation. The curriculum is a competence-based curriculum to support learning recovery by preparing project-based learning in supporting character development according to Pelajar Pancasila Profile. The curriculum is planned to be implemented in Preschool, Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, or Vocational High School.

Its implementation in preschool will focus on students’ playing activities as the main learning activity. Shifting from Curriculum 13 that builds students’ characters through books based on themes. In the elementary school level, the natural and social sciences are combined into one course (IPAS – Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Sosial), which was separated in Curriculum 2013. English becomes an optional course for students with a project-based learning approach. The new curriculum requires an informatics course at the junior high school level, which was set as an optional course in curriculum 2013. The course is set to be a compulsory course to adjust to digital technology development. Concentration into natural science, social science, and literature tracks is abolished in senior high school, and first-year students will learn under the same method as junior high school students. However, in their second and third year, they could select a combination of courses that match their needs, ability, and aspiration.

The Prototype Curriculum is a new paradigm in Indonesia that aligns with the Merdeka Belajar program. This curriculum applies student-centered learning that will be applied gradually starting from the Exemplary Schools selected by the government. The curriculum remains an option that the academic unit could select to implement. However, this curriculum will likely be applied to all academic units in Indonesia. Therefore, it is wise that each unit starts to prepare to implement this curriculum.

Each education unit needs to prepare several stages to support the implementation of the new curriculum: (1) Registration and data collection because the new curriculum is an option that aligns with the Exemplary School program, (2) How school prepares Operational Curriculum for Educational Unit (KOSP) based on Pelajar Pancasila Profile. School’s curriculum framework must develop the eight National Education Standards (NSP) to improve students’ performance using project-based learning that is adjusted to the academic unit’s vision and missions. (3) Teacher readiness in a more innovative learning process to develop student characters based on Pelajar Pancasila Profile and project-based learning. Pelajar Pancasila Profile refers to students with six characteristics: belief and piousness, global unity, independence, work together, critical thinking, and creativity.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the positive impact of the Prototype Curriculum is the implementation of project-based learning that focuses on essential materials. The learning process is improved through the improvements in students’ characters. Students’ potential is explored better through various exciting learning opportunities that prevent learning loss due to the pandemic. Lastly, teachers in Indonesia could welcome the Prototype Curriculum as a new education paradigm in Indonesia under the Merdeka Belajar Program. (***)

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