UNS — Trying new experiences as a volunteer and interns in the professional field is an appropriate option for university students to equip themselves before graduated. This option was taken by Raditia Yoke Pratama, Sociology Program Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta student. Yoke took the opportunity as a Content Writer in Pemimpin.id—a social start-up, which has the primary purpose of forming an ecosystem for effective and inclusive leaders who empower Indonesia.

Yoke joined the start-up on March 2021 in Research and Development (RnD) division. To obtain this position, Yoke was asked to send two website articles and a redactional post for an Instagram post in the selection process. In his current position as a content writer, Yoke is demanded to create one website article, redactional for carousel Instagram content, and one slide Instagram content on a different topic from the previous two posts, in a week. His primary duty is writing articles on Pemimpin.id website. This article is a Leadership Review that discusses various leadership topics. One of his articles was Kita Mungkin Saja Melakukan Micromanaging Tanpa Sadar (We Might Perform Micromanaging Unconsciously).

“From the article, I took a few redactional as a carousel content in Instagram Pemimpin.id. Then from the carousel content, the Media Division create a poster for Instagram feed,” Yoke explained to uns.ac.id, Tuesday (22/6/2021).

To create these contents, Yoke was required to conduct primary and secondary research through interviews with experts and questionnaires (primary) or international content (secondary). His content also includes credible sources and is recommended to use a journal or international website as specific criteria besides the general criteria, such as using formal diction from Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (PUEBI) (General Guidelines for the Indonesian Language) and writing format. Yoke’s learning experience in UNS also helps him in writing content. For example, his research, writing, interview, and questionnaire survey experiences. “Analytical and critical thinking are fully used. So, (I was) not surprised, (I was) used to it,” the 2018 batch student said.

Besides writing, Yoke is also involved in various projects. Currently, he is involved in User Persona research and as a contributor in Pemimpin.id. book project. Yoke also takes a role as a committee in the RnD Division project: Pemimpin.id Content Creator Contest.

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Yoke has several reasons for joining Pemimpin.id. Firstly, he wants to join the professional field as a preparation for after-campus life. Secondly, he wants to learn about start-up development. Thirdly, to expand networking and get to know people who share his vision. Fourth, to train and develop his writing skills. Fifth, to learn leadership and self-development.

To fulfill his role, Yoke experiences various challenges, especially time management and how to adapt to the professional climate while continuously learning new things. Despite the challenges, Yoke said that he learned a lot from his volunteer work and planned to continue working for the start-up. He added that the start-up matched his preference, and he likes the supportive culture provided by the environment.

“On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we have daily and weekly meetings. That’s where my energy grows and is challenged. (I) could meet great and humble people. It is a valuable experience, and there are many more,” he said while laughing. Humas UNS

Reporter: Kaffa Hidayati
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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