UNS — Preparing writing for mass media requires more than a will, but also ability and creativity. There is 5M creativity needed by a writer to write an argument column in mass media, according to Prof. Dr. Agus Kristiyanto, M.Pd., Faculty Member in the Faculty of Sports (FKOR) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta.

The first ‘M’ mentioned by the writer of ‘Seikat Opini Usilku, Keolahragaan dalam Esai’ (collection of my opinions, sports in an essay), is opening the article with an interesting paragraph. Prof. Agus, whose hundreds of articles have been published in mass media, agreed that title should be attractive and written in phrases. A word in that title should act as a magnet that attracts the reader’s attention. However, a bombastic title followed by an ordinary paragraph will not be as effective as an engaging opening paragraph that will open a door toward a positive response from readers and editorial staff.

“The discussed topic should not be any sensational and interesting topic, it should be appropriate to be written in popular science writing,” Prof. Agus stated as the speaker in the Training for Popular Article Writing in Mass Media, managed by FEB UNS, Thursday (11/2/2021).

The second ‘M’ is creating a conflicting point of view. Things became interesting when conflicts are presented. This conflict can be achieved by creating interesting, actual, and conflicting views that require a solution in the first paragraph. Articles which offer problem that already has a solution and even not offering solution are not publishable.

The third ‘M’ is developing clear, systematic, and simple ideas. Prof. Agus stated that readers demand clear ideas and systematic sentence development. Writers of argument column should manage public questions. How to presents an answer for general queries and trigger new questions. The article is of good quality and beneficial if it answers public questions and makes the public ask new questions.

The last ‘M’, which determines the quality of an article, is concluding. One paragraph conclusion is adequate, but it must be firm and straightforward to close the discussion. The speaker added that three topics will always become hot topics for discussion in mass media: health, economy, and education. Even amid the pandemic, mass media coverage discusses these topics.

“How to avoid infection and economic impact while educating the young generation. These topics, however, cannot stand alone. Sports are related to health, the economy, and education. For example, in my article ‘Raksasa Tidur Industri Olahraga’ (the sleeping giant of the sports industry),” he explained.

Selecting an appropriate channel also holds a vital role because ash mass media has specific characteristics and style. However, the most important of all is to be productive and start writing, he concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Kaffa Hidayati
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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