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Sastra Arab FIB UNS Bakal Gelar ICoMS 2016 untuk Cegah Gerakan Ajaran Radikal


Arabic Department of Universitas Sebelas Maret in Collaboration with Middle East Research Center of Ain Shams University, Presents

International Conference on Middle East and South East Asia (ICoMS) 2016

“Actualizing the Values of Humanism to Avoid the Global Terrorism”

Conference Date
26-27th of October 2016

Keynote Speaker
Dr. A.M. Fachir (Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs)


  1. Prof. Dr. Gamal Shakra (Ain Shams University, Egypt)
  2. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Zen (IIUM Malaysia)
  3. Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra (UIN Jakarta)
  4. KH. Hasyim Muzaddi (Wantimpres)
  5. Prof. Dr. Sangidu, M.Hum. (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
  6. Dr. Istadiyantha (UNS Surakarta)*CALL FOR PAPERS*

This conference covers but not limited to the following themes:

1.Islamic Studies
2.Social and Political Studies
3.International Relations
4.Historical Studies
5.Law Studies
6.Cultural Studies
7.Literature Studies
8.Linguistic Studies
9.Translation Studies
10.Discourse Analysis

*Abstract Submission Deadline: 10th of July 2016*

*Publication Opportunities:*
✅The conference proceeding will be published with ISBN number.
✅Journal: Selected authors of research papers in Islamic Studies will be invited to submit the extended versions of their papers to Al-Jami’ah journal (Indexed by Scopus) or Analisa journal (Accredited by LIPI).

To those who want to know about the amount of the fee for being able to join in this seminar, you are supposed to afford these amounts after August 31th, 2016:

  1. UNS Presenter and National Student Presenter (IDR 500,000)
  2. National Presenter Non-student (IDR 800,000)
  3. International/Overseas Presenter Student (USD 200)
  4. International/Overseas Presenter Non-student (USD 300)
  5. National Participants (IDR 500,000)
  6. Overseas Participants (USD 500)

*Further Information:*
+62 858-6443-8212 (Eva Farhah)
+62 857-2864-4311 (Arifuddin)

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