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Industrial Engineering Student of UNS Gains Best Paper Predicate of IMECS 2016 in Hongkong

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By 9 September 2015, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with GMF AeroAsia. The cooperation offered by AeroAsia are in forms of practical work program, internship program and research development. Through this cooperation, Industrial Engineering Department of UNS managed to send 6 students to represent their papers at International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist (IMECS) 2016 held on 16th–18th of March 2016 in Hongkong. IMECS is an annual conference which focuses on computer engineering and mechanical engineering managed by IAENG (International Association of Engineering). At this international conference which is engaged by 261 participants around the world, a paper made by Rillo Satria Wahyudin entitled “Model Optimasi Alokasi Sumber Daya Tenaga Kerja, Material, dan Peralatan di Unit Line Maintenance GMF  Aeroasia” is success gaining the predicate for Best Student Paper of The 2016 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Engineering.

Industrial Engineering Department Team of UNS joined International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist (IMECS) 2016 in Hongkong.
Industrial Engineering Department Team of UNS joined International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist (IMECS) 2016 in Hongkong.

Rillo, through his paper, creates mathematical model illustrating the allocation of human resources, materials, and equipment of in line maintenance of GMF AeroAsia. GMF AeroAsia is a subsidiary of PT. Garuda Indonesia which engages in the field of aircraft MRO (Maintenance, Repairing and Overhaul) multiservice which provides 8 types of service. The allocation of human resources in this company is based on least hiring cost principle, so the human resources choosing priority determined by the type of worker which has the least hiring cost. According to Rillo, the allocation model that he found is an initial step though it is small, yet if it continues to be developed following the further steps, is possible to be implemented.

Rillo, when he was presenting his paper at International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist (IMECS) 2016.

In line with, General Manager Strategy Management Office of GMF AeroAsia, Suryo Hardiono, said that this model would be developed continuously. “The model that we are looking for should be adjusted with the operational condition in the real field, material-based resource optimal point, movement or people power and dynamic workload. By having many human resources in Indonesia, we (GMF) need a fast and accurate model to decide the amount of resources will be allocated so that it can be optimal. We can compare, the way we depute the workers from a branch office to the others and the way we recruit the workers, which one is the cheapest and most efficient. And Rillo’s model is the best,” Suryo explained, who is also in charge to guide Rillo during his paper compilation. “This model will be developed continually, by using real and accurate data.”

The Chief of Industrial Engineering Department, Wahyudi Sutopo also delivered his response regarding to Rillo’s success on getting the best paper predicate at the international conference. According to him, this project had been planned to be cooperation between UNS and GMF AeroAsia. “This is a scheduled and well-structured project, an onward step which is not accidental. Through internship and practical work programs, UNS is able to produce various works that motivate other students to keep on working,” Wahyudi concluded. [anggra.red.uns.ac.id]

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