UNS – The Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) student team from Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta organized a seminar and bazaar event in Kaliboto Village. The event, themed “Explore Business Potential from Village,” was initiated by students from the Agricultural Extension and Communication Study Program (PKP) of the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) UNS. Held at the Kaliboto Village Hall in Mojogedang, Karanganyar, the event was attended by various community members, MSME practitioners, staff from the Institute for Rural Technology Development (LPTP) Karanganyar, and the Kaliboto Village Government.

The MBKM UNS student team, led by Aldhi Choirul Anam, featured Budi Wahyono, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D., as a speaker at the seminar. Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ir. Suwarto, M.Si., they found that the quantity of MSMEs in Kaliboto Village was not matched by adequate quality. Therefore, efforts are needed to support the quality of MSMEs in Kaliboto Village through seminars.

These efforts require a holistic approach involving relevant stakeholders, including the Kaliboto Village Government, social institutions, and the Kaliboto Village community. The program aims to provide MSME actors with insights to improve the quality of their products, making them more marketable. The knowledge shared is also expected to enhance business potential awareness among MSME actors, enabling them to operate their businesses more effectively and identify promising business opportunities.

In his presentation, Budi Wahyono explained that optimizing residents’ economic resources requires support from five aspects, known as the pentahelix: government, community, academia, media, and the business actors themselves. The “Explore Business Potential from Village” seminar received a warm reception from the Kaliboto Village community, which was enthusiastic and actively participated in the question-and-answer session.

The event continued with a bazaar showcasing local MSME products from Kaliboto Village. Siti Nurohmah, a bazaar participant, expressed that the bazaar helped increase the visibility of her products and hoped that such events would be held annually. The seminar and bazaar event was enlivened by a performance from The Halcker Band. Toward the end of the event, the excitement grew with a door prize drawing.

In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suwarto, M.Si., stated that the MBKM program aims to provide opportunities for students and the community to learn outside the campus. Students directly engage in activities that benefit the community.

“I hope that the involvement of students through this program can bring innovation, fresh ideas, and new enthusiasm to developing local MSMEs,” Prof. Suwarto said.

The Head of Kaliboto Village, Sri Sunaryo, appreciated the seminar and MSME bazaar held on Saturday (25/5/2024). Many participants gained new insights into business and marketing strategies. Additionally, the MSME bazaar provided a golden opportunity to showcase the village’s top products to a broader audience, making Kaliboto Village’s local products more recognized, desirable, and competitive.

Humas UNS

Reporter: R. P. Adji

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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