UNS – The Japan Study Center (PSJ) of the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, in collaboration with the Department of Science and Profession of the Vastu Vidya Architecture Student Association (HMA VV) of the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering (FT) UNS, held a Webinar Talk Show Series with the theme “Sharing Experiences on Further Studies in Japan for Architecture Students” attended by architecture students from various universities.

Dr. Eng. Kusumaningdyah Nurul Handayani S. T., M. T., Head of PSJ UNS, stated in her opening remarks that the webinar talk series is a bi-monthly activity of PSJ LPPM UNS aimed at introducing Japanese culture to the general public. One of the focuses is providing an overview of further education in Japan. The webinar was conducted online via Zoom on Saturday (29/6/2024).

“This event is expected to broaden the knowledge and insight of students regarding further studies in Japan, particularly at Kyushu University and Tohoku University, which are ranked in the QS World Rankings and among the Top 10 Imperial Universities in Japan. This will help students prepare as early as possible for further studies in Japan, especially in the Architecture Study Program. Moreover, there are various interdisciplinary fields that can be pursued for future academic careers. These insights can be directly learned from the experiences of today’s speakers,” Dr. Eng. Kusumaningdyah explained in her speech.

The first speaker of the webinar was Nichella Tjendana S. Ars., M.Eng., an alumnus of the S1 Architecture program at Tarumanegara University (2013) and an alumnus of the Department of Architecture, Urban Design, and Disaster Management, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University (2024). Kyushu University is ranked 160th in the QS World Rankings. During her sharing session, Nichella discussed her experience applying to Kyushu University. The process involved preparing documents such as a CV, portfolio, and TOEFL test results, creating a research plan, contacting professors, and submitting further documentation. Kyushu University’s Ito Campus is the largest integrated campus in Japan, spanning 272 hectares from west to east, approximately 3 km. It offers facilities such as a four-story library, public spaces, co-op, Seven Eleven, cafeteria, and dedicated facilities for the Architecture and Urban Design program, including a studio space with model-making amenities.

In the first year, students have the opportunity to participate in workshops like bamboo design and the Urban Design Summer School Programme, attended by students from various countries (Korea, China, Taiwan, and America), in addition to compulsory courses. In the second year, students can participate in international seminars and presentations, such as in Chengdu, China, as part of the mandatory thesis master program. The international student services center at Kyushu University often offers programs for international students, such as tours around the Fukuoka area to places like Yame, Nagasaki, Beppu, and Miyazaki. Students also have opportunities to engage in various Japanese cultural events, such as the Kyudai Sai (Ito Campus Festival) and the annual Fukuoka City festivals like Hakata Dontaku Yamasaka. Cultural exchange opportunities, such as performing in angklung and saman dance teams, are also available.

The second speaker of the webinar was Yunisa Zahrah S. T., M.I.S., an alumnus of the Architecture Study Program (2012) UNS and the Graduate School of Global Governance and Sustainable Development, Tohoku University (2024). Yunisa was also an LPDP scholarship recipient from 2022-2024. Tohoku University is ranked 107th in the QS World Rankings. Yunisa explained how to find the right professor and laboratory that match one’s research interests. Once a suitable laboratory is found, students can submit application documents such as the application form, bachelor’s degree certificate and transcript, research plan, English proficiency certificate, and a registration fee of 30.000 yen. Pursuing an interdisciplinary master’s program has become common to complement one’s academic expertise. The G2SD program aims to enhance one’s skills in global governance and sustainable development through a combination of critical theoretical studies and problem-oriented empirical studies. The program requires 30 credits over two years, including research, seminars, and thesis writing.

Additionally, Yunisa discussed the daily life of studying in Japan, which includes facilities like personal desks in the laboratory for focused work and participation in laboratory activities. She emphasized the importance of presentation, research, critical thinking, and discussion skills at this stage. “The main thing to consider is knowing ‘Why?’ Why pursue a master’s degree? Why choose that particular university? Why apply for that scholarship? Why study abroad?’ After that, you need to have a memorable and unique selling point and prepare your essays and interviews,” Yunisa explained.

At the end of the session, Yunisa highlighted various scholarship opportunities in Japan, such as MEXT, INPEX, and Panasonic scholarships, as well as internal university scholarships and domestic opportunities like LPDP, which are worth considering. The webinar concluded with a question-and-answer session, where participants eagerly asked questions about the presented material.


Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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