UNS — The Study Program Student Association (HMP) in Local Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies (FIB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, hosted a webinar in culture. The webinar was held through the Google Meet Platform on Monday (5/10/2020). The Webinar on Batik Variety in Javanese Culture, invites 2 (two) speakers, KRRAr Budayaningrat from the Institute for Traditional Council in Kraton Surakarta Hadiningrat, and Dr. Prasetyo Adi Wisnu Wibowo the Head of Master Program in Cultural Studies UNS.

In her presentation, KRRAr Budayaningrat mentions that there are many pople who wear batik without regulation, thus the Ingkang Sinuhun Kangjeng Susuhunan (ISKS) Paku Buwana establish a regulation regarding batik fabric. “Ana dene kang arupa Jejarit kang kalebu laranganingsun, Bathik Sawat, lan Bathik Parang, Bathik Cemukiran kang calacap modang, bangun tulak, lenga teleng, lan tumpal, apadene bathik Cemukiran kang calacap lung-lungan, kang sun wenangake anganggoa pepatihingsun lan Sentananingsun dene kawulaningsun padha wedia,” she reveals in Javanese.

KRRAr Budayaningrat explains that in Pratingkahing Adamel Sijang there are two methods in producing Batik. “The first is the method used in batik tulis (handmade batik), kain mori (cotton cloth) was drawn with a certain pattern and overwritten with wax using canting. Meanwhile, the other method uses a stamp made from copper. The stamp was made according to certain batik patterns,” she explains.

Certain batik pattern is designed for a specific occasion such as birth celebration, wedding, and funeral ceremony. “The Satriya Manah motif is worn by the groom-to-be during proposal ceremony, while the bride-to-be wears Semen rante motif. Further, the Bangun Tulak motif is designed for siraman ceremony, as for mitoni (a ceremony held on the seventh month of pregnancy) sido mulya, sida drajat, sido luhur, sido mukti, sekar jagad, wahyu tumurun, babon angrem, and many other motifs are available to use,” she added.

The second speaker, Dr. Prasetyo Adi Wisnu Wibowo, explains that Javanese people outfits always have a philosophical meaning. “Beskap is designed in a certain way to show the silk patola belt that was expensive. The best Epek made of gold and also epek timang tinaretes barleyan (epek timang adorned with diamond) are also shown. Therefore, we should be ashamed if someone is wearing a Javanese outfit but cannot align their social status and cannot understand its philosophical meaning,” Prasetyo explains.

He added that basically, people cannot wear batik carelessly, both for male and female, because every element in Javanese outfit, especially batik, is full of meaning. “In the past batik is only wore by certain social circles, such as the King and its family, as well as rich people. Until today, there are batik motifs that are forbidden to be worn by the general public because it is considered as the King’s regalia, and people believe that breaking this rule will bring a curse,” he concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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