UNS — The Student Executive Board (BEM) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held another study visit under the Sebelas Maret Elaboration (Seration) Series. On this occasion, BEM UNS conducted a study visit to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) on Sunday (14/11/2021). The study visit was conducted virtually through the Zoom Meeting platform.

The Seration Series is one of the UNS BEM work programs to support UNS objectives to be a World Class University (WCU). This activity focuses on exploring various WCU indicators through a study visit to global WCU universities. Additionally, the Seration Series will also cover discussions with inter-university Student Activity Units (UKM).

During this visit, the Vice President of BEM UNS, Abdullah Alhaddad, stated that he was thrilled to attend this event. “It is an honor for us to be able to host a study visit with UPM. Our gratitude went to the Directorate of Partnership, Development, and Internationalization UNS for supporting this event,” Abdullah said.

Furthermore, Abdullah hopes that the Seration Series can be beneficial to collect recommendations on essential points to encourage UNS in achieving WCU. Moreover, the Seration Series can also increase students’ knowledge and insight on the standard of international education quality. Students can also strengthen networking with the global academic world.

This event received special attention and support from UNS. The support was proved with the presence of the Vice-Rector for Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information Affairs UNS, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sajidan, M.Si., in the online event. Prof. Sajidan said that UPM is one of the global universities in the WCU category with stable performance and achievements. Therefore, UNS wants to learn from UPM to achieve WCU status immediately.

BEM UNS Holds Virtual Study Visit to Universiti Putra Malaysia

Additionally, Prof. Sajidan also places great emphasis on the collaboration established between the two universities. Collaboration is considered an essential aspect in today’s academic era. “Collaboration with overseas universities is very important to help students experience international standards. This activity should be beneficial for all parties, both UNS and UPM,” said Prof. Sajidan.

This visit was welcomed directly by the UPM International Center Steering Committee, Prof. Ir. Dr. Hasfalina Che Man. Prof. Hasfalina conveyed an overview of the UPM profile, including the strategies implemented by UPM during the pandemic. After the university introduction, the event is continued with a focus group discussion. Participants are divided into three breakout rooms according to a specific category: buddies, internationalization, and strategic plans. Each breakout room is attended by a combination of UNS and UPM students to discuss the designated topic in their respective rooms. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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