UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta received another proud achievement from the Bengawan UV Team, who won 2nd prize in the Boat Race Competition, Competition of Maritime Education and Training (COMET 2.0) on 29-30 May 2021. The competition was held by the Student Association of Vessel Design and Construction Engineering Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS).

Bengawan UV General Manager Tri Rahmaji explained on Thursday (10/6/2021) that the competition theme was vessel innovation technology, especially for fishers. “The theme of the competition was fishermen vessels with a sustainable fishing concept. There are two categories, design competition, and boat race competition. We only participated in the boat race competition. This category has sub-events, race and endurance. Thus, our prototype was tested for endurance and speed for the race,” he explained.

Tri added that the boat designed by Bengawan UV Team UNS was specifically created with balanced abilities between race and endurance category. The last assessment was made from the accumulation of race and endurance scores. Tri explained that in the race category, Bengawan UV Team UNS won the 3rd position and 5th position in the endurance test. “Therefore, when accumulated, Bengawan UV won the 2nd position in this competition,” the Mechanical Engineering Program UNS student added.

Dr. Eng. Aditya Rio Prabowo, as the team’s supervisor, stated that the team did not have a long time for the preparation. Their preparation was at the same time as competition in the US. “Thus, we shared our human resources for two competitions. This competition is also an early evaluation for the bigger competition such as National Unmanned Fast Boat Contest (KKCBN),” he revealed.

The Faculty Member of Mechanical Engineering Program Faculty of Engineering (FT) UNS also explained that the team went through several stages in the competition. The first stage is the scientific report in a proposal. Then, while waiting for the result, the team prepared the ship hull. After the announcement, they conducted finishing, installed the engine and top superstructure. “Then we conduct checking, finding the center of gravity to ensure the ship is balanced, test lab, and other activities,” he added.

In achieving their success, the team also faced several challenges. Tri Rahmaji explained that during the preparation, they had punctured propeller as a vital component. Moreover, during the competition, the team faced a controlling system problem due to the number of signal frequencies in the race location. “Alhamdulillah, we could manage the problem well with our experience and composure,” Tri said.

Before concluding the interview, Tri Rahmaji thanked all parties involved in the competition. “To Bengawan UV, our supervisor, Bapak Aditya Rio Prabowo, KMTM FT UNS Student Association, and other Bengawan Team for the supports. I also thank Minalwa UNS and UNS academic members who have facilitated our journey. Hopefully, this (achievement) encourages us to work and bring a proud name for UNS at the national and international level,” he concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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