UNS — Students of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta initiated a Humanities Project within the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program, in Mojo Village, Pasar Kliwon District, Surakarta. This program was carried out in collaboration with the Surakarta City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), which focused on developing Disaster Resilient Villages. The Mojo Village was chosen because the area successfully implemented the Primary Level Disaster Resilient Village program in Surakarta.

The UNS Humanitarian Project team consists of Ade Novita, Fajar Rahmadi Prihantoro, Lathiifatul Layl, and Nabila Putri Maharani from the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNS. “There are 5 (five) programs that have been implemented, including urban hydroponic farming, elementary students study groups, evacuation signs installation, mask waste treatment, and disaster mitigation dissemination. These programs were implemented in early January,” explained one of the administrators of the Humanities Project, Fajar Rahmadi Prihantoro, Sunday (30/1/2022).

Collaborating with BPBD Surakarta, UNS Students Hold a Humanities Project in Mojo Village

The urban farming program aims to encourage RT 01/03 in Mojo Village residents to fulfill their vegetable needs independently. This urban farming program was conducted in collaboration with other fellow students from the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) UNS to provide technical assistance with hydroponic farming. The hydroponic system introduced was the Deep Flow Technique (DFT) with 123 planting holes. The UNS Project Team also provides knowledge regarding the seeds sowing process, plant care, as well as Ph and nutrition checking.

Meanwhile, the study group program was addressed to the first to sixth-grade elementary school students around the Kyai Mojo Smart Park. The UNS Team Project divided the participants into 3 (three) classes, namely the Homework, Material, and Free Class. Various learning activities are involved throughout the program implementation, such as reviewing study material and solving students’ homework. The UNS team also teaches children to make plant pots from waste bottles, fold origami, sing, and storytelling.

Collaborating with BPBD Surakarta, UNS Students Hold a Humanities Project in Mojo Village

For the masks waste management program, the UNS students and the residents in Mojo Village succeeded in making 8 (eight) eco-bricks. In the future, these eco-bricks will be re-designed into chairs. Furthermore, the UNS Team installed evacuation signs in the Mojo Village Office and Kyai Mojo Smart Park. For this activity implementation, the UNS Team collaborates with the Surakarta BPBD that determines the number of each sign required for each location. The installation of these evacuation signs aims to enhance residents’ awareness of evacuation meeting points in the event of a disaster.

Finally, the UNS Team hosted a flood and fire disaster management dissemination led by speakers from the Surakarta BPBD. The dissemination event took place at Pendopo RW 03, Mojo Village. This program implementation is expected to establish a more responsive and resilient community when a disaster occurs.

The Mojo village residents welcomed every program implemented by the UNS Team. They are grateful for the valuable materials and knowledge shared through the program implementation. Fajar hopes that the residents can apply the knowledge through continuous practice and maintain its sustainability after the UNS program is over.

“The expected outcomes from this MBKM program is for the residents of RT 01/RW 03 Mojo Village to maintain the installation (hydroponics) and implement the shared knowledge sustainably. For evacuation signs, hopefully, the residents will care for the evacuation signs and become well-trained to gather at safe points in the event of a disaster,” said Fajar. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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