UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta students won the 3rd position in the Equilibrium Science Fair (ESF) 2021 held by the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Udayana (Unud). These students are the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) students of 2019, consisting of Muhammad Zidni Subarkah, Berlyana Ayu Prasasti, and Eni Sawitri Setianingsih. This achievement is announced through the Equilibrium Science Fair 2021 Instagram account, Wednesday (11/8/2021).

They achieve this accomplishment for their participant in the Equilibrium Science Research Competition (ESRC), a national writing competition on “Optimizing the Potential of Young Generation as an Agent of Change Towards the Society 5.0 Era”. ESRC facilitates the development of the young generation aware of the development around them and creates creative ideas as a solution for sustainable development.

The team submitted work on waste management in West Java based on the factors that affect it. The writing employs Spatial Statistics through the Geographically Weighted Regression in their analysis. When contacted by the uns.ac.id team, Muhammad Zidni Subarkah as the team leader, explained that their estimation result is used to prepare OPLAS platform to optimize waste management to improve people’s economy in West Java.

“The initial concept of our of our writing is visualized into a platform that will be easy to access by all walks of life,” Muhammad Zidni Subarkah explained on Friday (20/8/2021).

Designing the Platform for Wate Management, FMIPA UNS Student Won 3rd Position in ESF 2021 Unud

Their scientific writing was based on the number of wastes in West Java that reached 27,000 tons each day, and 40% of these wastes are not processed properly. The team promoted an estimation model of waste production using the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), applied to the digital platform. This application aims to optimize waste management in West Java while improving the people’s economy.

As the representative for his team, Muhammad Zidni Subarkah stated that he is thankful for this achievement. This result is inseparable from Niswatul Qona’ah, S.Si., M.Stat., role as their supervisor. He also conveyed his gratitude for their parents and the Statistics Program, who always support them to continue creating.

“Alhamdulillah, happy and did not expect, because the preparation for this competition was short, impromptu, but Alhamdulillah, we could win,” Muhammad Zidni Subarkah said.

The success of this platform design sparks a wish for its benefits in the future. Other development and the opportunity to realize this design are awaited and could be used as a recommendation for the community or the government. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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