UNSThe Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) in Surakarta concluded a series of activities with Prof. Sam Pack, a cultural anthropologist from Kenyon College, Ohio, USA, by inviting him for a cultural visit to the Ciu Craftsmen in Bekonang, Sukoharjo, and the Gamelan Craft Center in Wirun, Sukoharjo, as well as Sukuh Temple in Karanganyar on Friday (26/4/2024).

Participating in this activity were the Head of the Cultural Studies S-3 Program at FIB UNS, Dra. Sri Kusumo Habsari, M.Hum., Ph.D.; a lecturer of the History Program at FIB UNS, Dr. Yusana Sasanti Dadtun, S.S., M. Hum.; a lecturer of the Faculty of Arts and Design at UNS, Anugrah Irfan Ismail, S.Sn., M.Sn.; translation team, publication team, and educational staff of FIB UNS. The Dean of FIB UNS, Prof. Dr. Warto, M. Hum., bid farewell to the group with a message to explore the cultural richness and deepest meanings of the destinations to be visited.

The first cultural visit was to the Ciu Craftsmen in Bekonang, Sukoharjo. The Secretary of the Bekonang Village, Iqbal, warmly welcomed the group. He allowed them to observe, learn, and benefit from Ciu from a positive perspective. Similar responses were also expressed by the Chairperson of the Ciu Craftsmen Association in Bekonang, Sabar. Sabar also mentioned several uses for Ciu besides being a local alcoholic beverage.

“Although Ciu is famous as a local alcoholic beverage, it can also be used as a hand sanitizer, and its distillation waste can be transformed into fertilizer. Even the Regent of Sukoharjo at that time gave a special name to the fertilizer produced from the waste of Ciu, namely Ciunik,” Sabar explained.

The group visited several Ciu craftsmen, including Ari’s place. Prof. Sam asked about the daily production of Ciu. Ari carefully answered that the daily production of Ciu can reach 200 to 300 liters.

The journey to the Ciu Craftsmen in Bekonang Sukoharjo concluded with a visit to Team Sakit Bekonang. Dr. Yusana Sasanti, whose dissertation focused on the Ciu drinkers’ community (Panguci), provided insights into the products produced by Team Sakit Bekonang. “Team Sakit Bekonang also has unique products, one of which is Minuman Gedhang Klutuk. This drink has 0% alcohol content, so the side effects, if consumed excessively, can lead to drowsiness,” she explained.

Towards noon, the group arrived at the Gamelan Craft Center in Wirun, Sukoharjo, which was the second destination. Located at one of the senior craftsmen’s workshops in Wirun named Supoyo, Prof. Sam had the opportunity to witness the detailed process of making gamelan. Prof. Sam was also invited to play the Gamelan displayed in Supoyo’s gallery. With the evening sky turning reddish, the visit concluded at Sukuh Temple. Humas UNS

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