UNS — Three Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta from Medicine Education Program Faculty of Medical Science (FK) won 3rd place in the national Ar-Razi Competition (ARC) 2021 in the public poster category. This achievement was accomplished by educating the older generation on the appropriate measures during self-quarantine for Covid-19 infection.

The team that consisted of An’nurihza Zidhan Azhara, Aliya Naziha, and Aisyah Jauza Adiba Indi participated in the public poster by submitting work with a sub-theme “Preventive, Promotive, Curative, and Rehabilitative Actions in Minimizing Pediatric Illnesses.” According to An’nurihza, the topic and sub-theme selection were a challenge for them because they tried to be careful and thorough in each suggestion given during the discussion process.

Their poster titled “Tetap Aman Isolasi Mandiri Anak Bersama SAHABAT” (stay safe self-quarantine with children with SAHABAT) was selected because Covid-19 is still the main focus for people, especially when it affects children. Unlike infection on adults, children need supervision from adults during their self-quarantine. The poster was created to answer frequently asked questions regarding how to manage self-quarantine for children.

“That’s why we created a poster for parents on how to take care of children,” An’nurihza stated to uns.ac.id on Sunday (28/11/2021).

FK UNS Students Team Won 3rd Place in ARC 2021 Public Poster Competition

SAHABAT is a shortened version of seven steps to be taken by parents when their children go through a self-quarantine. The seven steps are: always washing hands, teaching children coughing etiquette, monitoring oxygen saturation and body temperature in the morning and afternoon, asking children to wear a mask, providing breastmilk and nutritious foods, managing physical distancing with other people, and staying at home.

The information is expected to help parents in taking care of their children during self-quarantine with limited equipment and how to prevent Covid-19 infection on children. Representing her team, An’nurihza said that she was glad and grateful for the achievement that brought positive results for their hard works.

“We learned a lot of things so that in the future we could be better. We certainly hoped that our work would benefit and provide education media for the community,” she said.

ARC 2021 is a competition held by the students of the Faculty of Medical Science and Health Science (FKIK) Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar under the theme of “Outlining all possibilities to Pediatric disease for ‘Indonesia Sehat 2025.” The competition has several categories; scientific essay, public poster, literature review, and TikTok education. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga P. A.
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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