UNS — The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a send-off ceremony for Students in the Professional Teacher Education Program (PPG) in Pre-Office scheme 2020/2021 on Tuesday (29/3/2022). The send-off ceremony was held offline in Building G FKIP UNS Hall, online through the Zoom Meeting application, and live broadcast through the Semar TV YouTube channel.

Eighty-two PPG UNS students participated in the ceremony; 71 students graduated. The Head of PPG FKIP UNS, Dr. A.G. Tamrin, M.Pd., M.Si., stated that the students had completed all courses in the program, and those who graduated have completed the national requirements. “Congratulation to all of you,” Dr. Tamrin stated.

FKIP UNS Officially Send Off PPG Students in Independent Pre-Office Scheme UNS 2020/2021

Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs UNS, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S., also attended the event and congratulated the graduates. “As the executive board of Universitas Sebelas Maret, I congratulate all PPG Pre-Office Students who graduated (today). After completing this education, from today, you have a certificate of teaching competencies which legally aligns with the education standard determined by the government,” Prof. Yunus stated.

The ceremony was also attended by the Chairman of Pokja PPG Directorate-General of Teacher and Teaching Staff (Dirjen GTK) Kemdikbudristek RI, Dr. Elvira, M.Si., who stated that the graduates are professional educators who have noble duties to achieve the national education’s objectives.

FKIP UNS Officially Send Off PPG Students in Independent Pre-Office Scheme UNS 2020/2021

The ceremony was opened with the recitation of the Rector Decree on the graduation of PPG Pre-Office Scheme students 2020/2021, followed by an oath-taking ceremony led by the Dean of FKIP UNS, Dr. Mardiyana, M.Si.

Fajar Budi Hardono, S.Pd., as a representative of graduates, shared his gratitude to all parties who have provided facilities and support during their education. “Thank you for your patience in supervising us. Hopefully, our knowledge could benefit (others),” he stated. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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