UNS — A student of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta brought another surprising achievement, Fiska Amanda Mulia won two awards in Business Event Competition (BEC) 2021 held by UKF Entrepreneurship, Universitas Mataram, both awards are for the 1st place winner.

Fiska, won the poster design competition and business opinion column writing. The History Education Program student shared her happiness to achieve the accomplishment. “Alhamdulillah, I won 1st place in two categories I participated in. I was delighted and did not expect that (I could) win the 1st place in both (categories) because it is a rare moment,” she shared on Friday (26/11/2021).

The student from Sragen, Central Java, said that she participated in the competition because it was aligned with her background as an entrepreneur who started her business in 2017. Her culinary business produced different brownies, named Bronislur, that can be considered a success and increased its sales during the Covid-19 pandemic. Her business also received funding from the Entrepreneur University Student Program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek).

In poster design, Fiska could be said to be a veteran and has developed her own strategy. However, opinion column writing is new for her and poses significant challenges in her preparation. Therefore, she consulted her friends who mastered the language to improve the depth, correlation between data and solution offered, factuality, education value, constructive approach, and value of her writing. “And correct writing according to the good and correct Indonesian spelling rules,” she admitted.

After participating and winning the category, she said that it left a different impression on her. It opened her awareness on how to write a good and clear opinion column to deliver messages to her readers.

FKIP UNS Student Brought Home 1st Place Awards in Two Categories of Business Event Competition

“This competition, especially opinion column writing, made me learn how to write. How to make good and correct writing, how to make our writing interesting for readers, and how we deliver our messages to the readers well,” Fiska said. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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