Mohtar Yunianto was explaining the form of android-based flood detection device with SMART FEWS (Smart Flood Early Warning System).

Mohtar Yunianto was explaining the form of android-based flood detection device with SMART FEWS (Smart Flood Early Warning System).

Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta lecturer, Mohtar Yunianto develops android-based flood detection device with SMART FEWS (Smart Flood Early Warning System). The inspiration of making this tool raises because of the flood regularly happen in Bengawan Solo river which is located near UNS. By the idea, since 2011, Mohtar and his 8 friends finally conducts a research in some areas of Bengawan Solo riverside.

During the research, Mohtar and his team found flood detectors, but unfortunately they do not work. Thus, Mohtar then creates flood detection device named SMART FEWS. It is different from the previous flood detection device, SMART FEWS is equipped by a sensor which if the device is stolen, it is going to send a signal to the server administrator.

SMART FEWS aims at observing the real time river water level that can potentially cause flooding. This device informs through a short message (SMS), gateway, android and website. Besides, SMART FEWS also shows the data, daily, monthly, annual water level used for water analysis purposes.

The Monitoring Graphic of Early Flood Warning System displayed in the website

The Monitoring Graphic of Early Flood Warning System displayed in the website

This SMART FEWS application can be downloaded through the website Later, the results of daily, monthly, annual water level, water condition and water level are going to be displayed in form of map on Google map. This application can be easily used by android users, just by installing SMART FEWS.

For the upcoming development, Mohtar and his team plan to enhance his handmade SMART FEWS by adding landslide detector made by Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta. Based on his opinion, this action is going to be taken to get more advantage of SMART FEWS so that it can be consistent, for example landslide, rainfall and other detectors. SMART FEWS is now installed in 10 locations, which 8 spots are located along Bengawan Solo River and its tributaries and in the river streamed in Ponorogo, East Java. [](

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