UNS — The Students Executive Board (BEM) for the Faculty of Agriculture (FP), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a national webinar entitled ‘Community Development Summit (COMDES) 2021’ on Saturday (3/7/2021). The event that was held through the Zoom Cloud Meeting and FAPERTA BEM UNS YouTube Livestream, takes on the topic of ‘Optimization of Millennials Generation in Village Empowerment to support Village SDGs.’
The webinar was led by Nugroho Hasan and inviting two main speakers namely, Rudy Suryanto, S.E., M. Acc., Ak., CA., and Dr. Sapja Anantanyu, S.P., M.Si. Rudy Suryanto (founder of bumdes.id) delivers the first material on optimization of the millennials generation to achieve institutionalization.

Rudy explains that there are two reasons why the young generation must return to villages. The first is to use the pandemic momentum to transform the nation’s objectives and returning national ideals. According to him, there are five challenges in the management of a sustainable Village-Owned Enterprise (Bumdes). “They are institutionalization, business model, governance and management, resources management, as well as accountability and control,” he explains.

Empowerment and collaboration are needed because Bumdes is an entity that aims to facilitate collective business. Rudy added that the campus can take roles under this circumstance. First, a campus can select the Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises that are ready to receive assistance. The second is well-prepared process and supervision, and the third role available is good output quality and assurance
The second speaker, Dr. Sapja Anantanyu, S.P., M.Si., a lecture from the Agriculture Extension and Communication Study Program (Prodi PKP) FP UNS, explains the role of millennials in village development.

Village development requires three aspects, which need to be possessed by the young generation, namely, the preparedness to correct, nurture, and transform the current condition to achieve community development. According to her, any effort taken for a community empowerment program must be systematic, programmed, persuasive, and participative. Dr. Sapja states that intervention is crucial to establish an independent community.

“We need an intervention that involves community empowerment, extension, community development, and assistance to establish independence,” Dr. Sapja explains.

At the end of the session, Dr. Sapja shares tips for students to assist village development. The tips are including student capacity building, the establishment of an implementation team, enhancing social sensitivity, event development, building partnership with related stakeholders, and collaboration with the villagers. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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