UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta student won another achievement at the national level. Tegar Ramadani, a new student in Historical Science Program Faculty of Cultural Studies (FIB) UNS, won two competitions: FRIC 2021 BEM FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang and Code K-Risma 2021 held by Universitas Brawijaya. Both are essay writing competitions.

Tegar won 2nd place in the online FRIC 2021 BEM FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang with an essay titled ‘Fenma: Utilizing Tobacco Steams and Cacao Skin Waste in Bioethanol Production.’ The essay was inspired by his interest in renewable energy issues at the global level, which recently captured people’s attention after the glooming wary over the over-usage of fossil fuels and their adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, Tegar wanted to contribute by providing ideas on renewable energies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“The oil reserves depleted day by day, so I prefer to take renewable energy theme. This theme is also a global issue. The use of oil in Indonesia is also quite concerning, especially in the environmental aspect and energy consumption that see a great inequality,” he explained to uns.ac.id team on Wednesday (8/12/2021).

Before winning the competition, Tegar competed with participants from other universities, such as Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Universitas Jember (Unej), Universitas Udayana, and Universitas Diponegoro (Undip). In total, 20 teams participated in the competition, with only five teams going to the final round.

In Code K-Risma 2021, Tegar won his 2nd position with an essay discussing renewable energy. However, his essay in this competition focuses on biogas reactor for fish wastes in the coastal regions as a solution for future renewable energy. In Code K-Risma 2021, Tegar fought around 60-70 teams from various universities such as Universitas Pertamina, Universitas Riau, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, ITS, and Undip.

To the uns.ac.id team, Tegar stated that he was inspired by his high school tutor. He modified the idea and added concepts and recent data. In Code K-Risma 2021, he was also required to present his writing through the Zoom Cloud Meeting. Twelve finalists presented their ideas and fought for the best three won by Universitas Airlangga (Unair), UNS, and Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes).

Tegar admitted that he does not expect to win both competitions consecutively. “I did not have an experience in competing at the university level. Even I felt insecure because my competitors were ‘wow’ such as from Universitas Indonesia (UI), Unair, Universitas Brawijaya (UB), and other universities,” he added.

Tegar is also delighted that even though he is studying humanities study, he could participate in the competition in a different discipline. In the future, he wants to collaborate with students from other programs to represent UNS in the Pimnas and bring pride to the campus at national and international levels. Humas UNS

Reporter: Alinda Hardiantoro
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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