UNS — Hydroponic become one of the innovations in farming, which gain the public interest. This agriculture system does not need soil as planting media but instead using water as the main growing media. Therefore, the method did not need a large area and was considered more effective and efficient. Hydroponic is suitable to be an alternative to fulfill food demand, such as vegetables, especially during this ongoing pandemic that affects food security and the economy.

Considering the various potential of hydroponic systems, Team 333 of Student Community Service (KKN) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta took the initiative to teach the residents of Ngebung Village, Kalijambe Sub-District, Sragen.

“This education is expected to improve the residents’ knowledge and skills, to implement a hydroponic system to fulfill their household needs for cheap and healthy food,” said Wika Noviantoro as the Person in Charge of the Program. As a student from the Agrotechnology Study Program FP UNS, Wika was assigned as the speaker for the dissemination session.

The material delivered consists of the introduction to the hydroponic system and its benefit, introduction to the equipment needed, the stages in preparing hydroponic, and finally, a demo. “Several participants join the direct demonstration for a hydroponic system,” said Wika.

Improving Residents’ Interest in Farming, UNS KKN Team 333 Introduces Hydroponic System

The system has several advantages such as being free of pests that emerge from the soil, higher nutritional content because it does not use pesticides, cleaner area because no soils are used, using less water because the water is circulated through a continuous system, and the result is available to be harvested at any time as well as easier to collect.

Other than the hydroponic planting system, the Team supervised by Hendrig Joko Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.Or., also hold other training such as information on how to wash hands properly, socialization on zoom usage, Shopee account registration training, wastebasket distribution for each hamlet, and hand sanitizing machine with a pedal system. Rico Ardy Nugraha, as the Team Leader, hopes that their Program in Ngebung Village can be beneficial for the residents. “As well as a learning experience for the Team 333 KKN UNS,” said the student of Physical Health and Recreation Education (PJKR) Study Program.

The Team has another six members, namely, Ummu Latifah (Physics), Ririn Wijayanti (Elementary School Teacher Education), Safira Nareswari (Industrial Engineering ), Wahyu Mustika Fitri (Biology Education), Muh. Haikal Al-Giffari (Urban and Regional Planning) and Olga Orizasativa Morizky (PJKR Study Program). Humas UNS

Reporter: Kaffa Hidayati
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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