UNS — Group 128 of Student Community Service Program (KKN) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta demonstrate their performance in assisting the issuance of 249 Business Registration Number (NIB) in Johunut Village, Paranggupito Subdistrict, Wonogiri District. The process took two weeks to be completed by the group.

NIB is a program developed by President Joko Widodo for MSMEs who faced difficulties caused by slow Business Certificate (Surat Keterangan Usaha) issuance. NIB is free for MSMEs, and applicants could fill oss.go.id website without the need to go through a complicated administration process. After completing the data entry, the NIB will be generated automatically. NIB would ease the community to secure financial aid or capital loan to expand their business. Unfortunately, before the KKN program, not many local people have this facility due to the lack of education and information access.

Before implementing the registration process, the team received training from One-Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (PMPTSP) because the village was the first in Paranggupito Subdistrict to participate in the program. The group then held a meeting in the Village Hall, inviting the Head of Subdistrict, Village Chief, Head of Hamlet, and Head of RT/RW at the beginning of February. Johunut Village Chief, Kismiyati, stated that she fully supported the program and would help in its implementation. “Because this is greatly beneficial for the local people, especially those who have a micro, small, and medium business,” she added.

Rahmat Arianto, the Group Coordinator, stated that the group conducted data collection at night because most of the villagers work as farmers and ranchers, who are busy with their fields and animals during the day. During the data collection, the group was accompanied by the Head of Hamlet and received high enthusiasm from the people. Thirty-nine business owners registered NIB for their business. The largest number of registrants in the village. At the end of the program, the group successfully help the issuance of 249 NIB, meeting the target set by PMPTSP with 200 NIB for each village. The majority of businesses registered are farming and ranching.

In their farewell ceremony, Rahmat Arianto thanked the village government and his team’s hard work in implementing the program. The program did not only help business owners but also launched Paranggupito Subdistrict to ranked first with 2,400 NIBs in Wonogiri from its previous position in the 2nd last ranking. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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