UNSThe Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) and the Institute for Development and Quality Assurance of Education (LPPMP) at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta have initiated the launch of an Integrity Zone (ZI). The event took place offline in the LPPMP UNS Auditorium on Monday (1/7/2024). This launch signifies the real commitment of the academic community of LPPM and LPPMP UNS to strengthen and enhance the quality of public services.

The event was attended by the Acting Rector of UNS, Dr. Chatarina Muliana, S.H., S.E., M.H., represented by Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, Business, and Information UNS, Prof. Irwan Trinugroho, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., along with LPPM and LPPMP leaders, heads of research centers within LPPM, and all administrative staff at LPPM and LPPMP.

In his speech, the Head of LPPMP UNS, Prof. Dr. Sarwiji Suwandi, M.Pd., stated that LPPM and LPPMP UNS are initiating the ZI towards a Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Zone (WBBM). “Before this ZI launch, several efforts were made, including organizational restructuring and strengthening based on existing regulations, continuously striving to improve the quality of public services. We also carried out internal guidance and supervision to achieve professional services and improve the performance and integrity of the academic community to enhance the quality of services responsibly and accountably. For this purpose, we created the tagline for branding LPPMP UNS, namely LPPMP BERBUDI (Cultured and Integrity),” Prof. Sarwiji explained.

The ZI launch is part of the acceleration of UNS’s bureaucratic reform as a step to implement a well-organized, effective, and efficient work system to serve the public quickly, accurately, and professionally according to the principles of good governance. “This integrity pact will be widely publicized so that all parties can monitor and oversee the program. This is necessary because the establishment of ZI cannot be achieved without the support of all stakeholders,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of LPPM UNS, Prof. Dr. Fitria Rahwawati, S.Si., M.Si., added that ZI is a designation for institutions whose leaders and staff are committed to realizing WBK and WBBM. According to the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Regulation (PermenpanRB) Number 10 of 2019, the ZI development process goes through five stages: Declaration, Development, Proposal, Assessment, and Determination.

“The declaration is the initial milestone; the most important next step is development. Both LPPM and LPPMP must prepare various instruments, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and regulations to prevent corruption by implementing integrity, professionalism, synergy, and service,” Prof. Fitria said.

The Acting Rector UNS, Dr. Chatarina Muliana, S.H., S.E., M.H., represented by Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, Business, and Information UNS, Prof. Irwan Trinugroho, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., in his remarks, highly appreciated this activity. The development of ZI/WBK in Higher Education institutions, particularly in several UNS faculties and all its units, shows two things: the commitment of all UNS leaders and managers to making UNS an integrity campus and a clear understanding that UNS as a PTNBH is a work unit of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) that must implement Bureaucratic Reform (RB).

“The realization of an integrity campus is a strategic step to accelerate the achievement of the goals of higher education as mandated in Article 5 of the Higher Education Law, which can only be accomplished through the initial step of the commitment of UNS leaders and managers together with the entire academic community. Without the leaders’ commitment, the ZI UNS development efforts as part of government bureaucratic reform cannot succeed,” Prof. Irwan explained.

Therefore, it is necessary to address these shortcomings by coordinating with other work units that have received the ZI WBK/WBBM predicate to gain an understanding of the standards in accordance with PermenpanRB regulations. The main goal of developing ZI towards WBK/WBBM is to prevent corruption, collusion, and nepotism and to improve the quality of public services. Its implementation involves continuously enhancing performance accountability, drafting performance contracts, and providing anti-gratification and corruption prevention education.

UNS, as one of the PTNBHs granted broader autonomy in campus management, has a high potential for corruptive abuse of power. The impact of corruption will certainly hinder or even prevent us from achieving the goals of higher education, which is to produce great generations to continue our nation’s ideals, educate the life of the nation, and realize the welfare of all Indonesian people through the utilization of science and technology generated by lecturers as scientists at PTNs.

“With various forms of fraud, which are corruptive behaviors/acts of corruption, I hope that in the implementation of the ZI development towards a Corruption-Free Zone, all leaders in the UNS environment will consistently make efforts to change the six focus areas, namely change management, organizational structuring, HR management system, accountability strengthening, supervision strengthening, and quality public service strengthening,” he added.

Implementing the improvement efforts in these six focus areas will certainly face many challenges. Therefore, support from all UNS leaders and staff is also needed so that, with the spirit of collaborative synergy, all these heavy challenges can be faced more easily. Additionally, by collaborating and synergizing among leaders and all staff, constructive solutions to all challenges can be found.

“I emphasize that the most important stage in ZI is the development itself. Development means building integrity in each unit through planned, massive, comprehensive, and systematic changes and improvements. Building integrity means building systems, people, and culture. I want to remind you that the development of ZI is a key strategy to determine the success of all educational transformation programs to produce excellent UNS graduates through accountable, transparent, and integrity-based campus governance. Hopefully, the ZI launch at LPPM and LPPMP UNS will be a milestone for all components to work together to achieve a true ZI and achieve WBK and WBBM status. The university and the UNS Bureaucratic Reform team are committed to accompanying to achieve the WBK and WBBM predicate,” Prof. Irwan concluded.

The series of ZI launch events held from morning to afternoon included the reading of the WBK WBBM Declaration and Statement by the Head of LPPMP UNS, Prof. Dr. Sarwiji Suwandi, M.Pd., and the Head of LPPM UNS, Prof. Dr. Fitria Rahwawati, S.Si., M.Si.

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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