UNS — The Master Study Program in Education Technology Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held “Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Based Digital Education Media.” The Study Program within the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNS in collaborating with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC). The workshop that took place for three days from Wednesday – Friday, 16—18 June 2021, invites two main speakers, namely Puryanto, S.ST., M.Ds. dan Aji Wicaksono, S.T., from SEAMEO SEAMOLEC.

Alongside the two speakers, the workshop participants were invited to know the basics of AR and VR technology-based education media, as well as learning how to create digital education media using paint 3D, Sketchfab, and Canva.

Dr. Triana Rejekiningsih, M.Pd., as the Head of Study Program, reveals the objective of the event. Firstly to improve learning quality using the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) approach. Secondly, it is to increase the skills and competencies of the lecturers and students in mastering various media to improve the quality of learning. Thirdly, to create relevant Augmented and Virtual Reality education media according to the current learning need.

The AR and VR technology is chosen in this exchange because the two media is gaining more popularity at various level of education. On the other hand, AR and VR are very useful to establish a more interesting and real learning activity. These objectives are in line with the emerging demand during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, which requires online learning along with the limited availability of learning methods and the ability to provide various learning experiences for students. “This specifically related to a ‘real’ learning experience such as practice activities in the laboratory, project-based or team-based project, problem-based learning using the case method, inquiries, and cooperative learning,” Dr. Triana stated.

Considering these conditions, it can be concluded that one of the challenges in the current education sector is related to how to increase learning interest amid all the limitations. Dr. Triana added that the lack of various digital education media mastery could lead to lower interest and the lack of students’ understanding of study material. Therefore, this workshop is important and needed.

“Various technology that currently available aims to bring convenience, flexibility, and efficiency so that it can be completed and available at any time, anywhere, anyone,” Dr. Triana added.

Dr. Mardiyana, M.Si., as the Dean of FKIP UNS, and Dr. Dewi Kusuma Wardani, M.Si., as the Vice-Dean for Human Resources, Finance, and Logistics Affairs, were also attending and showing their support to the event. The appreciation was given by Dr. Mardiyana, M.Si., was expressed during the opening remark. In which he states that 21st-century education requires various skills for teachers and lecturers.

“This workshop will bring various digital learning media to facilitate project-based learning. I greatly appreciate the collaboration between the Master Study Program in Education Technology UNS with SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, which was established in 2019,” he admitted. Humas UNS

Reporter: Kaffa hidayati
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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