UNS — The Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program has been implemented in the last two years. Various programs and activities under the MBKM scheme had been participated by Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta students, including the MBKM Grant program.

A group of UNS students who won the MBKM Grant utilized the funding to implement their program. Group 100 established Sanggar Belajar (learning center) in RT 01 RW 04 Nguter Hamlet, Nguter Village, Nguter Subdistrict, Sukoharjo District, Central Java. The center was used to educate the local children on general knowledge and their school courses. The group also taught the national knowledge for the children and increased children’s creativity and skills through various activities.

Group 100 MBKM Grant UNS Coordinator Nabila Maradama stated that the program aims to return children’s spirits that declined during the online learning process. The Pancasila and Civics Education Program FKIP UNS student also explained that the children also participated in craft activities made from used bottles. “They were free to follow their creativity,” Nabila stated on Friday (14/1/2022).

Nabila added that their program was implemented to support two points in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), quality education and reducing inequality. Quality education was reflected in their activities that provide inclusive and equal education for all school children in Nguter Village. Thus, increasing the opportunity to learn for the children. The reduction in inequality was achieved through providing quality education and nationalism, especially in maintaining the unity of the country.

Kayla, one of the students in the center, shared the experiences and benefits she got from learning. “At first, I did not understand Pancasila’s lesson, but after learning national knowledge, I understand the meaning of Pancasila as the national principle, the symbols in Pancasila, values, and implementation of Pancasila in daily life, so that my post-test score increased,” Kayla stated.

Another program in the center, used-bottles creation, also received positive responses from the locals. The Chief of RT Nguter Hamlet, Puji, shared the delight over the programs implemented by the group. “Hopefully, it is useful,” Puji stated.

Group 100 MBKM Grant UNS consisted of ten students: Nabila Maradama N., Dika Finsya P., Farhana Mutiara P., Fina Idamatus S., Gadis Feronika, Maharani Tasya, Muhammad Raihan, Yunan Ali Firdaus, Dimas Ageng, and Isna Anissa. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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