UNS – The Pharmacy Study Program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta organized the Anniversary of Pharmacy (ANNIMACY) in celebration of the 11th Dies Natalis of the Pharmacy Study Program. The event, held on Wednesday (22/5/2024) at the C Building Auditorium of FMIPA, marked the culmination of the Pharmacy program’s Dies Natalis celebrations, themed “Finish What We Start, Never Stop Moving Forward.”

In his remarks, the Head of the Pharmacy Study Program at FMIPA UNS, Prof. Dr. apt. Ahmad Ainurrofiq, noted that in its 11 years of existence, the Pharmacy Study Program has experienced remarkable growth. The learning facilities, including laboratory facilities, are now adequate, although there is still room for further development and improvement.

The study program’s accreditation has also seen improvement, progressing from Good to Very Good. Additionally, it is noteworthy that the admissions competition for the Pharmacy Study Program is the highest at UNS for the Science Bachelor’s Program through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) 2024. This indicates that Pharmacy is a favored choice among prospective students.

Prof. Ainurrofiq also urged students to complete their studies on time, emphasizing the need for collaboration from all parties to facilitate the teaching and learning process. This, he believes, will not only ensure timely graduation but also enable students to excel nationally and internationally during their studies.

“We hope that students can complete their studies on time and excel both nationally and internationally,” Prof. Ainurrofiq said.

Aligned with Prof. Ainurrofiq’s sentiments, the ANNIMACY event featured a talk show with two speakers: Astri Fatmasari, M.Psi, Psikolog, and Dr. Hendi Pratama, S.Pd., M.A. The aim was to motivate students in their learning journey and provide tips on how to cope with academic pressures and practical work.

Astri Fatmasari, M.Psi, a Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer, discussed “Mental Health of Gen Z Students in Their Academic Journey.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Hendi Pratama, founder of Edutrans.Id, a training institution providing solutions for educational training, seminars, and workshops, delivered a presentation titled “Preparing Superlearner Generation.”

Dr. Harjana, M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., the Dean of FMIPA, expressed gratitude to the Head of the Pharmacy Study Program for elevating the program’s accreditation from good to very good and for making Pharmacy the most competitive program at UNS for the Science stream. He noted that the Pharmacy Program is on the right track, as evidenced by receiving consecutive grants, significantly enhancing learning facilities.

“As the leader, I express my gratitude to Prof. Ainurrofiq, the Head of the Pharmacy study program, for elevating the program’s accreditation to very good and making it the most competitive program at UNS,” Harjana said.

During the event, appreciation was also extended to the best lecturer of the Pharmacy Study Program, awarded to apt. Syaiful Choiri, S. Farm., M.Pharm.Sci., for the year 2024.


Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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