UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta never stop showing its concern toward the students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Other than the Single Tuition Fee Waiver (UKT) Covid-19 affected students, UNS also gives assistance to the students who undergo self-isolation because of Covid-19 infection. This assistance was received by a student from Craft Arts (Textile Design) Study Program, Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) UNS, Merlita Fitriani. She expresses her gratitude and gratefulness, for the assistance given by UNS.

When contacted on Wednesday (7/7/2021), Merlita Fitriani recounts that currently she is doing self-isolation in her studio apartment in Jl. Mendung 3, Jebres. Merlita Fitriani was tested positive for Covid-19 on Sunday (4/7/2021). “Yesterday I take an antigen swab test and was tested positive. Considering the symptoms, it has been five days and I have been in self-isolation for about a week,” Merlita Fitriani said.

Merlita Fitriani recounts that, before she tested positive for Covid-19, she feels sick and unwell. On Friday, (2/7/2021), she even has a fever with dizziness body ache. After the symptoms, she decides to take an antigen swab test on Sunday (4/7/2021) and was returned with a positive result. “Actually, I was working while completing my study. So, maybe I was contracted with the virus in the workplace because accidentally there was someone tested positive for Covid-19 and I did a close contact with the said person,” she revealed.

After receiving the test result, Merlita Fitriani directly informs her parents in her hometown. Afterward, she reports to the studio apartment landlord, as well as the Head of Neighborhood (RT) and Neighborhood Association (RW). “Later on, the Public health center helped to monitor my condition. They help me find a safe isolation room by my landlord and the Head of RT,” Merlita added.

She further said that the RT officials in her studio apartment area were really cooperative. Two days after tested positive, the officials were updating UNS regarding Merlita Fitriani condition. Following the report, on Tuesday (6/7/2021), the UNS Chief of Academic Bureau and Student Affairs, Kepala Biro Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan UNS, Drs. Rohman Agus Pratomo, contacted Merlita Fitriani through WhatsApp to inquire about her condition during the self-isolation. “I was contacted by the UNS Student Affairs Bureau for personal information and data, afterward they send assistance,” Merlita Fitriani adds.

When the assistance reached her studio apartment, she does not expect such assistance. She was grateful because UNS has fulfilled her daily needs including three meals a day from the UNS Inn, snacks, drinking water supply, vitamins, and medicines. Moreover, UNS also monitors her condition during self-isolation. Merlita Fitriani reveals that UNS provides free antigen tests for her friends who have close contact with her.

“I am excited because initially I was confused with how to get the meal because all of my friends are also in a self-isolation, thus, no one can leave the studio apartment. Therefore, when receiving the information that I will receive catering service for ten days, I felt relieved. Because then I can focus on the recovery. The vitamins and medicines provided by UNS are really helping,” she reveals.

Receiving Assistance During Self-Isolation, UNS Student Felt Grateful

Being transparent about her condition, like the one Merlita Fitriani did, deserves appreciation. Because she is not only helping her friends to avoid contracted with SARS-CoV-2, she also helping the surrounding community. She suggested to the UNS students who were tested positive with Covid-19 to report to the related officials.

“I wish this assistance will still available in the future. To the students who tested positive with Covid-19 do not afraid to report your condition, because many people are willing to help if we actively finding information,” she concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Yefta Christopherus AS
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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