UNS — The Rector of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho appealed to all Professors in UNS to be productive in conducting research, writing a book, and creating innovative works. Prof. Jamal delivered this appeal during his remark in the online and offline Professor Inauguration ceremony of Prof. Dody Ariawan, ST, M.T, Ph.D and Prof. Dr.sc.agr. Adi Ratriyanto, S.Pt., MP. in G.P.H. Haryo Mataram Auditorium UNS, Wednesday (16/12/2020).

“On this happy occasion, I want to invite Prof. Dody Ariawan and Prof. Adi Ratriyanto, who are still young, to be more productive in conducting research, writing books, and creating innovative works,” Prof. Jamal explained in his speech.

Currently, Prof. Jamal added, the world order has changed and can no longer be managed through the old way due to the two big disruptions that have impacted all countries, the industrial revolution and the pandemic. Facing these situations, it seems as if no most relevant institution can answer the challenges except the research institute. Therefore, as researchers who excel in information and technology, professors are strategic resources in ensuring people’s lives’ sustainability. “It is inappropriate if, with their intellectual ability, Professor felt satisfied and spend their daily life to teach and supervise students, spending time to reflect inside a room and never engage in discussion in public.

With their “Trisula” of teaching, research, and community engagement, Professors are demanded to show their knowledge and innovation capacity. In the era of PTN-BH, the third Key Performance Indicator stated that Professors should perform Tri Dharma on the campus that fit QS 100 criteria. Therefore, Prof. Jamal noted that the university waits for Professor’s role to nurture the academic culture. Research and scientific writing should not be conducted to meet the responsibility, but also as a call of heart for academia and intellectuals.

“Professor should not live in a burnt-out of thinking. The track record of a Professor should prove why they are worthy of their respected status. Hopefully, the presence of the new Professors will bring benefits for the university and the community,” Prof. Jamal stated.

On the occasion, Prof. Dody Ariawan, ST, M.T, Ph.D was inaugurated as a Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering (FT) UNS and Prof. Dr.sc.agr. Adi Ratriyanto, S.Pt., MP. was inaugurated as Professor in Non-Ruminant Animal Nutrition Sector at the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) UNS. Prof. Dody Ariawan, ST, M.T, Ph.D as the 16th Professor in FT and 228th Professor in UNS, delivered an inauguration speech on ‘The Resilience of Natural Fiber – Polymer Composites Against Outdoor Exposure in Tropical Climates’. Prof. Dr.sc.agr. Adi Ratriyanto, S.Pt., MP. as the 31st Professor in FP and 229th Professor in UNS, delivered an inauguration speech on ‘Nutritional Approach in Poultry Production in Facing Heat Stress In An Era Without Antibiotics’. Humas UNS

Reporter: Dwi Hastuti

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