UNS — The Covid-19 pandemic that affects Indonesia did not decrease Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta spirit in creating. During the pandemic, UNS showed its real action to fight Covid-19, including through the Serbuan Vaksinasi Covid-19 (Covid-19 Vaccination Program) collaborating with the Military Resort Command (Komando Resor Militer – Korem) 074/Warastratama and Regional Health Detachment (Detasemen Kesehatan Wilayah – Denkesyah) 04.04.04 Surakarta.

Serbuan vaksinasi Covid-19 was implemented in two months, started from 1 July 2021, and ended on Friday (20/8/2021). Until the closing, the program has successfully injected 30,000 Covid-19 vaccines. These dosages consist of the first dosage injected in July and the second dosage in August, which means there are at least 15,000 people vaccinated through the program.

The Chief of Committee Serbuan Vaksinasi Covid-19 UNS, Paramasari dirgahayu, dr., Ph.D. stated that this vaccination program was initiated by parents and students of the Faculty of Medical Science (FK) UNS who waited for an offline session. Offline learning is vital for medical science students, especially those in the 6th semester, because they need to develop clinical skills that require lab practices that will not be optimal under an online learning program.

After a year of online learning, students and parents complained that clinical skills education needs to be conducted offline. “During online learning, they only use replacement objects, for example, heart assessment using a pillow, injecting using foam, and other materials. Then we initiated an offline session. But before it is implemented, parents requested that FK UNS helped with their child’s vaccination to improve safety,” dr. Sari, her short name, stated.

Serbuan Covid-19 Vaccination UNS Finished, 30,000 Dosage Injected

FK UNS was initially bewildered because UNS is not a vaccine holder, but after going through consideration and efforts, UNS decided to collaborate with Denkesyah 04.04.04 to implement the vaccination program. Denkesyah 04.04.04 also has a similar program aimed at the community, thus, supporting the new collaboration with UNS.

At the first stage, the vaccination was limited to 500 people and aimed only at FK UNS students who will have a clinical skills education. However, considering the program’s success, Denkesyah 04.04.04, with the commander’s permission, continued the collaboration until 30,000 vaccines.

“Alhamdulillah, the first stage vaccination was appreciated. The commander stated that here (UNS), (the vaccination) is standardized, the social distancing is good, the queue is good, the system is good, and the speed is good. In the afternoon, the commander reported that the serbuan vaksinasi UNS was reported to the central command, and the commander wanted to continue the program in FK UNS,” dr. Sari, the Vice-Dean for Academic, Research, and Student Affairs FK UNS explained.

Expanded Vaccination Target

With the additional dosages provided by Denkesyah 04.04.04, the target of serbuan vaksinasi UNS, which initially focuses on FK UNS students, is expanded in the following stages to all UNS academic members, including regular students, international students, UNS faculty members, academic staff, employees, and surrounding community. The families of UNS academic members who live in one house also become the target of vaccination.

Serbuan Covid-19 Vaccination UNS Finished, 30,000 Dosage Injected

In line with the government policy that allows 12 years old children to be vaccinated, UNS also included its vaccination targets to its faculty members, academic staff, employees, and even students’ younger siblings. UNS new students who have not been vaccinated also could get a vaccination in this program.

Continuous Evaluation

At the end of each vaccination session, the managing committee always conducted an evaluation. The managing committee that consisted of FK UNS Thematic Student Community Service Program (KKN Tematik) of Humanities integrated with Program Serbuan Vaksinasi Covid-19, young doctors, and UNS graduated doctors always work faster to improve the system. Improvements are performed on the IT system, vaccination speech, and providing vaccination facilities.

The vaccination speed increased from 500—1,000 to 2,000 people, and in the last day, 2,800 people received their shot in one day.

The Chief of the UNS Vaccination Team admitted that she is grateful to be able to serve the community. Currently, the program has ended, but there is always an opportunity that similar program will be opened in the future. This plan depends on the vaccine availability provided by vaccine authorization. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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